Yinson Annual Report 2021

138 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL UNITED IN THE FIGHT AGAINST COVID-19 As the Covid-19 pandemic entered into its second wave in many places around the world, Yinson shifted our focus to contribute actively to post recovery efforts, including the donation of laptops to families from lower income groups to enable children to attend online classes. t 1SPWJEFE 3. XPSUI PG GPPE JUFNT UP GSPOUMJOFST BU UISFF hospitals in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, in partnership with local health food provider, Salad Atelier. t %POBUFE QFSTPOBM IZHJFOF JUFNT UP .BMBZTJB T 4VOHBJ #VMPI Hospital to cater for the personal hygiene needs of their staff and patients. t 4QPOTPSFE JUFNT PG 11& GBDF NBTLT BOE RM90,000 worth of fabric for PPE to the Malaysian Red Crescent Society. t 4QPOTPSFE JUFNT PG NFEJDBM QSPUFDUJWF DMPUIJOH BOE face masks to Sultanah Aminah Hospital, Malaysia. t %POBUFE NFEJDBM QSPUFDUJWF FRVJQNFOU UP UIF .JSJ (FOFSBM Hospital, Malaysia, in partnership with Singapore-based Apex Sealing Technologies. t %POBUFE TVSHJDBM GBDF NBTLT UP (IBOB T /BUJPOBM Commission for Civic Education. t %POBUFE #JPMPHJDBM 4BGFUZ $BCJOFU GPS RVJDLFS BOE TBGFS $PWJE testing to Korle-Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana. t %POBUFE / NBTLT UP UIF /BUJPOBM 4DIPPM PG 1VCMJD Health Sergio Arouca and National Institute of Infectology (Fiocruz) in Brazil. t %POBUFE GBDF TIJFMET XIJDI XFSF QSPDVSFE CZ BO orphanage, ‘Rumah Pengasih Warga Prihatin’ to Malaysian Red Crescent Society. t %POBUFE NBTLT BOE TUFSJMF TVSHJDBM HPXOT UP CF VTFE as PPE to Tung Shin Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. t %POBUJPO PG CPYFT PG ,/ GBDF NBTLT UP TFMFDUFE QVCMJD IFBMUI centres in Nigeria. t %POBUFE MBQUPQT UP GBNJMJFT XJUI DIJMESFO XIP OFFE UP BUUFOE online classes via a Singaporean NGO, Engineering Good. t %POBUFE MBQUPQT UP TUVEFOUT JO 4 + , $ 4FSEBOH #BSV in Malaysia, enabling them to attend online classes during the pandemic's lockdown period. t %POBUFE 11& LJUT GPS VTF JO HPWFSONFOU IPTQJUBMT JO 4BXBJ Madhopur District, Rajasthan.