Yinson Annual Report 2021

137 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL Futurestars t 'VUVSFTUBST 4DIPPM 3FIBCJMJUBUJPO Programme has transitioned into an annual donation where Yinson supports Futurestars, a registered United Kingdom charity, with RM35,000 for various charity initiatives to meet the needs of the communities. Yinson Welding Training Centre t #VJMU JO UP IPVTF XFMEJOH BOE NFDIBOJDBM FRVJQNFOU QSPWJEFE CZ UIF Ministry of Energy with funding from the World Bank. t 1SPWJEFT OFX UFDIOJDBM LOPXMFEHF UP JUT TUVEFOUT BOE JUT TQFDJBM DPVSTFT will enable more students to get better qualifications to enter the workforce, including the oil & gas industry. t "CPVU TUVEFOUT HSBEVBUF GSPN UIF XFMEJOH QSPHSBNNF BOOVBMMZ t 5IF DFOUSF TUBSUFE USBJOJOH TUBGG GSPN MPDBM DPNQBOJFT CVU IBE UP TUPQ because of the Covid-19 pandemic. t :JOTPO DPOUSJCVUFE 64% UP CVJME UIF DFOUSF BOE QSPWJEFT 64% worth of welding consumables annually to support the facilitation of ongoing training. GHANA Teach for Malaysia t 4QPOTPSTIJQ PG PVS TFDPOE 5FBDI GPS .BMBZTJB (“TFM”) Fellow, Ann Anak Siden, who teaches in a high-need school in the interiors of Semporna, Sabah. t 5IF TDIPPM JT DBUFHPSJTFE BT B #BOE TDIPPM XJUI poor classroom facilities, causing interruptions of class. t 4UVEFOUT JO UIF TDIPPM XIFSF "OO XBT UFBDIJOH charted a 6.84% improvement in academic performance in 2020. t 0VS mSTU 5'. 'FMMPX %JWZBOH )POH DPNQMFUFE IJT tenure and went on to join TFM full-time. During his two years as a TFM fellow, Divyang directly impacted over 200 students through attendance improvement programmes such as ‘Seindah Yinson’ and SPLAT, a debate training platform. Dive clean-up at Barracuda Point, Miri t *O "VHVTU :JOTPO .JSJ TQPOTPSFE B EJWF DMFBO up focused on removing ghost nets in and around the Barracuda Point dive site in Miri, Sarawak. t :JOTPO BMPOH XJUI WPMVOUFFS EJWFST GSPN .JSJ Divers, Future Ocean Borneo and Lions Club of Miri Centennial, successfully removed drifting plastic waste and an abandoned mooring line from the dive site. MALAYSIA Yinson University Scholarships t &TUBCMJTIFE JO B UPUBM PG FJHIU VOJWFSTJUZ freshmen have received these scholarships and begun their tertiary education. t 5IF TDIPMBST BSF GSPN UIF DPNNVOJUJFT XIFSF '140 Adoon operates in. t &YQBOTJPO QMBOT BSF VOEFSXBZ UP JODMVEF TDIPMBST from communities where FPSO Abigail-Joseph operates (KEFFES Community) and eventually the local community located in Takoradi; namely Apowa, Kejabil and Pretea. Learning Needs Drive t %POBUFE TFUT PG TDIPPM GVSOJUVSF JO %FDFNCFS to the Effiat and Mbo host communities where FPSO Adoon is operating, for the use of students in primary and secondary schools within the vicinity. NIGERIA Rapid Action Project t 34& IBT QMFEHFE B EPOBUJPO PG MBLIT UIPVTBOE (INR) to Rapid Action Project, a programme by Wildlife Trust of India that addresses diverse wildlife emergencies across India. t 5IF GVOET XJMM CF VTFE EVSJOH UJNFT PG OBUVSBM DBMBNJUZ emergencies, to protect and conserve over 70 species of wildlife. INDIA