Yinson Annual Report 2021

134 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS CAPITAL INDUSTRY Yinson is committed to sharing our knowledge with, and learning from, our peers in the industry to enhance overall industry excellence. Movement restrictions arising from the Covid-19 pandemic disrupted plans for almost all physical gatherings in FYE 2021. Many events were cancelled, while others were downscaled and switched to virtual platforms. Yinson continued to participate wherever possible, in alignment with our strategic objectives. EVENT AND DATE YINSON’S PARTICIPATION FPSO Network 22 July 2020 t 'JMJQF $PTUB .BOBHJOH %JSFDUPS GPS :JOTPO #PSPOJB 1SPEVDUJPO XBT B QBOFM TQFBLFS GPS the webinar entitled ‘Harnessing Technology Advancements to Navigate Disruptions in Project Schedule and Supply Chain’. FPSO World Congress 2020 1 - 4 September 2020 t 'JMJQF $PTUB QBSUJDJQBUFE BT B QBOFM TQFBLFS GPS UIF PQFOJOH LFZOPUF QBOFM FOUJUMFE ‘Evaluating the Impact of Covid-19 on the Global FPSO Market, $30 Billion of E&P Investments and its Project Deliverables’. t 'JMJQF $PTUB QSFTFOUFE B DBTF TUVEZ JO UIF '140 %FTJHO $POTUSVDUJPO BOE &OHJOFFSJOH Track entitled ‘Japan Country Spotlight: Navigating Local Cultural and Content Challenges for Successful FPSO Construction in Japan.’ Offshore Technology Conference Houston 2020 4 - 7 May 2020 t %S .BZBOH ,VTVNBXBSEIBOJ -JGFDZDMF &GmDJFODZ 4QFDJBMJTU QSFTFOUFE B QBQFS FOUJUMFE ‘Accelerating Petroleum Project Delivery Through a Lean Operational Readiness Structure’. FYIstival: The African Edition 17 September 2020 t "OESFX $IPZ (FOFSBM $PVOTFM (SPVQ -FHBM QBSUJDJQBUFE BT QBOFM TQFBLFS PO UIF topic ‘Spotlighting Opportunities for Doing Business in West Africa’. DNV GL FPSO Seminar 8 October 2020 t "MWBSP 5BLJVUJ '140 "OOB /FSZ 3FHVMBUPSZ $PNQMJBODF .BOBHFS QSFTFOUFE PO UIF topic ‘Delivering an FPSO in Brazil: Regulatory Challenges’. Offshore Technology Conference Asia 2020 4 - 6 November 2020 t %S .BZBOH ,VTVNBXBSEIBOJ QSFTFOUFE B QBQFS FOUJUMFE A$BMDVMBUJOH *OJUJBM 4QBSF 1BSUT Inventory in Petroleum Projects with Cost-Benefit Analysis’. FPSO Brasil Congress 2020 9 - 10 November 2020 t 'JMJQF $PTUB XBT B QBOFMJTU GPS UIF *OEVTUSZ 1PXFS 1BOFM PO UIF UPQJD A)BSOFTTJOH -PDBM Industry Capacity to Meet the Increasing Demand of FPSOs in Brazil. 12 th Prefabrication and Modular Construction Asia Summit 2021 15 - 18 March 2021 t 'JMJQF $PTUB QBSUJDJQBUFE BT B QBOFMJTU PO UIF UPQJD )PX DBO 1SPKFDU 4UBLFIPMEFST Owners Better Achieve Project Outcomes following the Covid-19 Impact? t 'JMJQF $PTUB QSFTFOUFE PO UIF UPQJD h#FTU 1SBDUJDFT JO 4ZODISPOJ[JOH &OHJOFFSJOH Procurement & Construction to Fast-Forward FPSO Project Execution through the Modularization Approach'. Singapore Maritime Week 2021 22 - 24 April 2021 t &JSJL #BSDMBZ &YFDVUJWF 7JDF 1SFTJEFOU PG /FX 7FOUVSFT BOE 5FDIOPMPHZ QBSUJDJQBUFE as a panel speaker in the Industry Panel on ‘Harbour Craft – Electrification and Digitalisation’. Yinson also contributed content to business and industry media throughout the year, including features within Oil & Gas Innovation, Business Focus Magazine and Upstream Online.