Yinson Annual Report 2021

125 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 HUMAN CAPITAL League of Extraordinary Apprentices Programme In FYE 2021, we refined L.E.A.P. to remain as relevant as possible to the changing external environment and provide a more holistic learning experience for apprentices. Key improvements to the programme are as follows: t &OIBODFE MFBSOJOH SPBENBQ VUJMJTJOH CMFOEFE MFBSOJOH BQQSPBDI t 7JSUVBM QMBUGPSN GPS TDSFFOJOH HBUFT GPS DPOTJTUFODZ BOE DPOWFOJFODF PG DBOEJEBUFT t 4IPSUFOFE QSPHSBNNF UP ZFBS EVSBUJPO t *NQSPWFE SFNVOFSBUJPO BOE CFOFmUT In FYE 2022, Yinson aims to recruit apprentices for Corporate Advisory, Engineering and Human Resources under L.E.A.P. OFFSHORE HEALTH AND SAFETY Health and Safety (“HSE”) is Yinson’s most material topic, and the safety of our crew onboard our offshore assets remains the top priority. While we take all measures to control risk, we understand that emergencies can still happen. We target to have zero health and safety issues across our assets. The disclosures in this section relate to employees and crew employed by our Offshore Production Division, which consists of offshore and onshore employees, including contractors. HSE governance HSE matters are governed by a robust framework which starts at the top and includes the elements below. Senior Management team t 5BLFT NBOBHFSJBM SFTQPOTJCJMJUZ GPS JOUFSOBM )4& HPWFSOBODF )4& QFSGPSNBODF BOE JOJUJBUJWFT BSF reported internally to Senior Management monthly. HSE policies t :JOTPO IBT UXP QPMJDJFT SFMBUFE UP )4& o PVS )FBMUI 4BGFUZ 1PMJDZ BOE &OWJSPONFOUBM 1PMJDZ #PUI these policies were revised in FYE 2021, and declare Yinson’s commitment to the highest standards with respect to HSE aspects. HSE Management System t "O JOUFHSBUFE TZTUFN UIBU PVUMJOFT LFZ QSPDFEVSFT GPS JEFOUJGZJOH BOBMZTJOH FWBMVBUJOH BOE managing requirements in accordance to both HSE and quality standards. t $POGPSNT UP BMM HVJEFMJOFT BOE TUBOEBSET FTUBCMJTIFE GPS PVS JOEVTUSZ JODMVEJOH *OUFSOBUJPOBM 4BGFUZ Management Code, International Ship and Port Security Code, ISO 45001, ISO 31000, ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. Stop Work Policy t Outlines Management’s principles toward supporting any individual’s decision to stop work should potential risks of safety, health and environment issues surface. Training and competency requirements t Ensures employees have the required competencies to safely conduct the tasks within their responsibilities both in the normal course of work and emergency situations. Internal audit t &OTVSFT QSPDFEVSFT BSF QSPQFSMZ LFQU BOE BEIFSFE UP t $POEVDUFE BOOVBMMZ BU BMM MPDBUJPOT HSE disclosures t )4& QFSGPSNBODF BOE JOJUJBUJWFT SFQPSUFE FYUFSOBMMZ BOOVBMMZ t "MM EBUB JOEJDBUPST UIBU BSF EFFNFE SFMFWBOU UP UIF JOEVTUSZ BSF EJTDMPTFE Internship and trainee programmes, pg 122