Yinson Annual Report 2021

123 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 HUMAN CAPITAL DIGITALISATION Learn@Yinson In February 2021, we launched a new LMS, called Learn@Yinson, to host learning resources for all employees. t 5IF TZTUFN TVQQPSUT QSPGFTTJPOBM BOE QFSTPOBM HSPXUI BOE development by providing tools and learning pathways to gear towards future growth, business sustainability and create a culture of learning. t &NQMPZFFT SFDFJWF BDDFTT UP :JOTPO T JOUFSOBMMZ developed learning content as well as external modules provided in partnership with LinkedIn Learning and International SOS. t 5IF TZTUFN DBO USBDL MFBSOJOH QSPHSFTT DPNQMFUJPOT BOE record certificates for compliance purposes. We plan to utilise data analytics from the system to continuously enhance employee learning experiences through the following: t #FUUFS HPWFSOBODF JO SFMBUJPO UP USBDLJOH NPOJUPSJOH BOE reporting learning progress, completions and certifications. t (SFBUFS JOTJHIUT JOUP FNQMPZFF MFBSOJOH CFIBWJPVS UP provide better and more tailored content according to employees’ interests, roles and competencies. t 3FXBSEJOH UPQ MFBSOFST UISPVHI UIF TZTUFN T HBNJmDBUJPO features. Learn@Yinson’s Top 5 courses 1. Supporting Your Mental Health While Working from Home 2. Building Resilience 3. Getting Started in Learn@Yinson 4. Stress Management 5. Coronavirus Awareness 15,414 training hours achieved since LMS launch (as of 5 April 2021) 38 average training hours per learner since LMS launch (as of 5 April 2021) HR TECHNOLOGY REVIEW GOALS FYE 2022 FYE 2023 FYE 2024 Long-term goals Digital workers, fully online Short-term goals Bring analog HR data into digital sources Medium-term goals Identify and implement HR systems that achieve HR digitalisation roadmap and strategy HR Technology Review t *O 4FQUFNCFS B )3 5FDIOPMPHZ 3FWJFX XBT MBVODIFE to assess the current level of functionality against the needs of the business. t 5IF PVUDPNF PG UIJT SFWJFX IBT MFE UP UIF FTUBCMJTINFOU of a 4-year HR Technology Roadmap which underpins and enables the HR Transformation Programme. t *O ':& :JOTPO BJNT UP JOUSPEVDF B (MPCBM )3 Information System. E-appraisal system t *O ':& BEPQUJPO PG PVS POMJOF BQQSBJTBM TZTUFN XBT expanded to include all offices, from only two offices the year before. t 0VS BQQSPBDI UP QFSGPSNBODF NBOBHFNFOU XJMM CF reviewed as part of our transition to a Global HR Information System, utilising technology to improve employee experience and enable more regular and frequent feedback on performance. t 5IJT XJMM CF VOEFSQJOOFE CZ QSPWJEJOH MFBSOJOH BOE TVQQPSU on the purpose of the performance review and equipping line managers with the required skills. t 3FHVMBS GPSNBM QFSGPSNBODF SFWJFXT BSF VOEFSUBLFO GPS BMM permanent employees.