Yinson Annual Report 2021

122 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS HUMAN CAPITAL Local workforce We aim to create a sustainable local workforce in the areas where we operate to strengthen the local economy and enable transfer of talent. In addition to developing our own internal local workforce, Yinson also invests in providing quality education and training to local communities through various CSR programmes across the globe. In Ghana and Nigeria, hiring a local workforce is part of the local content requirements. We are committed to meeting, and where possible, surpassing the local content requirement targets in line with our aim of creating a sustainable local workforce in support of local economic development. INTERNSHIP AND TRAINEE PROGRAMMES Ghana internship programme 4 interns t 0OF OBUJPOBM TFSWJDF QMBDFNFOU UISFF 'JFME 3FBEZ QMBDFNFOUT t NPOUIT DMBTTSPPN CBTFE NPOUIT QSBDUJDBM Nigeria trainee programme 12 trainees t USBJOFFT BCTPSCFE JOUP :JOTPO T XPSLGPSDF t NPOUI QSPHSBNNF XJUI XFFLT TIJQZBSE USBJOJOH JO 4JOHBQPSF Oslo internship programme 6 interns t 'JWF TVNNFS JOUFSOTIJQT SVOOJOH GSPN +VOF UP "VHVTU JO )4&2 Operations, Procurement, Engineering and Commercial. t 0OF )3 JOUFSOTIJQ SVOOJOH GSPN 0DUPCFS UP %FDFNCFS Singapore internship programme 2 interns t 0OF JOUFSO XJUIJO .BSJOF &OHJOFFSJOH BOE POF XJUIJO /BWBM "SDIJUFDU PO B 27-week programme. L.E.A.P. (Malaysia) 1 trainee t 1SPHSBNNF FOIBODFE JO ':& BOE SFMBVODIFE JO .BSDI YINSON GHANA LOCAL EMPLOYEES Yinson Ghana is on track to meeting our local content commitments and has surpassed the requirements set by the Ghana Government. % of local employees in Yinson Ghana Regulations 2017 (start of operations) 2021 2022 commitment 10-year projection 5 years in operation 10 years in operation Management 29% 83.3% 80% 80% 50% - 60% 70% - 80% Offshore 42% 67.3% 80% 80% 50% - 60% 70% - 80% Onshore staff 80% 100% 100% 100% 90% 100% YINSON NIGERIA LOCAL EMPLOYEES Yinson Nigeria is on track to meeting our local content commitments and the requirements set by the Nigeria Government. % of local employees in Yinson Nigeria Regulations 2019 (start of operations) 2021 2022 commitment 10-year projection 5 years in operation 10 years in operation Management 100.0% 100.0% 100% 100% 87.7% 87.7% Offshore 79.9% 78.1% 80% 80% 84.8% 84% Onshore staff 100.0% 100.0% 100% 100% 90% 100% League of Extraordinary Apprentices Programme, pg 125 Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Quality education, pg 74; Social & Relationships Capital, pg 130; Corporate Social Responsibility, pg 136; Local student development initiatives, pg 140