Yinson Annual Report 2021

120 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS HUMAN CAPITAL Health and wellbeing initiatives in our offices While Yinson provides employee support at Group-level, our offices are also empowered to adapt the support as needed to best suit local office needs. KUALA LUMPUR t 6OEFSUPPL nFYJCMF XPSLJOH TVSWFZ to understand employees’ views on flexible working arrangements. t *OUSPEVDFE DPSF XPSLJOH IPVST of 10am to 4pm, providing more flexibility on start and finish times. t 1SPWJEFE FNQMPZFF DIPJDF GPS IBMG day holidays during major festivals. t "NFOEFE FMJHJCJMJUZ GPS compassionate leave to start from first day of employment. t #VJMU B XPSLPVU TUVEJP BOE TIPXFS room to encourage employees to exercise and stretch anytime of the day. OSLO t &TUBCMJTIFE B 8PSLJOH &OWJSPONFOU Committee for employee representatives to meet and make recommendations together with the Management. t $POUJOVFE UIF 0TMP 4QPSUT 4PDJBM Club to plan and organise social and sports activities. Adapted to virtual team site to improve daily informal communication in the office. t Started a physical workout programme. t )FBMUI JOTVSBODF NPCJMF BQQT NBEF available for all employees. t 6QEBUFE IFBMUI JOTVSBODF programme to include access to a mental health module. t )FME XFMMCFJOH XFCJOBST t *OTUJUVUFE QSBDUJTF PG OPU IBWJOH meetings during lunch. SINGAPORE t 'SFTI GSVJUT JO UIF QBOUSZ UISPVHIPVU the week and waffles every Friday. t ‘Mental Health & Resilience Briefing’, with availability of on-demand counselling. t A8PSLQMBDF 0VUSFBDI 8FMMOFTT Webinar’ by Singapore Health Promotion Board. t A&BU XJUI 'BNJMZ %BZ PDDVST PO UIF last Friday of every month and the office closes one hour earlier. t &NQMPZFFT EJTDPVSBHFE GSPN IPMEJOH meetings on Fridays after 4pm. t $PWJE TQFDJBM JODFOUJWFT GPS employees seconded to work in China. t 1SPWJEFE FNQMPZFF DIPJDF GPS IBMG EBZ holidays during major festivals. PORT HARCOURT t )FME A#J BOOVBM 4BGFUZ $BNQBJHO Week’ with a focus on ‘Effective Fatigue Management’. t 1SPWJEFE DPSQPSBUF NFNCFSTIJQ of the Python Golf Course in Port Harcourt where employees can enjoy a game or a walk. MIRI t 1SPWJEFE AXPSLPVU QBTTFT FOUJUMJOH employees to free hourly gym activities. t *OTUBMMFE TIPXFST BOE DIBOHJOH rooms in the office to encourage exercising before coming to work. t *OUSPEVDFE IFBMUIZ MVODI BOE TOBDLT programme. RIO DE JANEIRO t $FMFCSBUJPO PG JNQPSUBOU EBUFT such as birthdays and company milestones. t 5IF SFDFOUMZ SFOPWBUFE PGmDF premises were designed to ensure wellbeing was considered, with relaxation areas, refreshment facilities and showers. THE HAGUE t -BVODIFE &NQMPZFF )BOECPPL UIBU includes information on all disability, accident and health-related insurance entitlements. t $POUSBDUFE BO JOEFQFOEFOU IFBMUI BOE wellbeing advisor to provide support for creating a safe workplace. t Published articles on health and wellbeing. t 0SHBOJTFE UFBN CVJMEJOH TPDJBM events and recognition during special occasions such as Christmas and Easter. t 0VS CJLF QSPNPUJPO QMBO SFTVMUFE JO BMM employees cycling to work (sometimes in combination with the train) and nobody using cars. t 4VCTJEJTFE NPOUIMZ GFFT GPS CVJMEJOH gym facility. DELHI AND BHADLA t 1SPWJEFE BDDFTT UP NFEJDBM practitioners for employees and their families during the pandemic. t 0O CFDPNJOH QBSU PG UIF :JOTPO Group, provided with access to all learning materials on our LMS which includes International SOS. ACCRA AND TAKORADI t .BEF IFBMUI JOTVSBODF NPCJMF BQQ available. t 1SPWJEFE BDDFTT UP B QTZDIPMPHJTU during the pandemic. t 0GmDF mUOFTT TFTTJPOT