Yinson Annual Report 2021

118 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS LOCAL PRESENCE Conducive and healthy work environments YINSON OFFICES Every Yinson office is designed to be conducive for working and collaboration. Features of Yinson offices include the below: t &OFSHZ FGmDJFOU t 'BNJMZ GSJFOEMZ t &RVJQQFE XJUI NPEFSO UFDIOPMPHZ UP FOBCMF FGmDJFOU collaboration internally and externally. t 0QFO DPODFQU JODPSQPSBUJOH NPEFSO EFTJHO t 'JMMFE XJUI OBUVSBM MJHIU t 8FMM WFOUJMBUFE t $MPTF UP QVCMJD USBOTQPSUBUJPO t $MPTF UP QVCMJD BNFOJUJFT BOE FBUFSJFT t 1SPWJEFT SFDSFBUJPOBM BSFBT t 1SPWJEFT GBDJMJUJFT GPS SFDZDMJOH t 1SPWJEFT FNQMPZFFT XJUI IFBMUIZ NFBMT BOE TOBDLT COVID-19 SUPPORT FOR EMPLOYEES Covid-19 changed the way we work. Across all offices, Yinson supported employee health and wellbeing in the following ways: t " NBSLFE FOIBODFNFOU JO nFYJCMF XPSLJOH BSSBOHFNFOUT t 1SPWJEJOH $PWJE VQEBUFT t 1SPWJEJOH NFOUBM IFBMUI TVQQPSU BOE XFMMCFJOH programmes via International SOS mobile app and LMS. t 1SPWJTJPO PG FRVJQNFOU UP TVQQPSU XPSLJOH GSPN IPNF t "DDFTT UP $PWJE UFTUJOH GPS FNQMPZFFT BOE dependents. t 'BDF NBTLT GPS FNQMPZFFT t 3FHVMBS GPMMPX VQ BOE SFWJFX PG UIF $PWJE nFYJCMF working arrangements. t &NQMPZFFT FODPVSBHFE UP VUJMJTF BOOVBM MFBWF EFTQJUF UIF pandemic. t &YUFOEFE IPMJEBZ DBSSZPWFS BSSBOHFNFOUT EVF UP UIF impact of the pandemic. t %FQMPZFE A:PVS .FOUBM )FBMUI #VJMEJOH 3FTJMJFODF course via LMS. t )FME WJSUVBM UFBN CVJMEJOH FWFOUT BDSPTT PVS PGmDFT UP keep employees connected. HUMAN CAPITAL Covid-19: Yinson’s new normal, pg 69 SNEAK PEEK: GLOBAL HEADQUARTERS IN KUALA LUMPUR Our global headquarters in Kuala Lumpur moved into new premises in FYE 2021. In addition to incorporating the high standards for working and collaboration adhered to by all Yinson offices, our global headquarters are Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design ("LEED") gold-certified, with our interior design certified to the standards of LEED for Interior Design and Construction (version 4) ("LEED V4 ID+C"), one of the most widely-used green building rating systems in the world. Under the certification system, our new office covers: t $POWFOJFOU BDDFTT UP RVBMJUZ QVCMJD USBOTJU t .BJOUBJOFE TUBOEBSET GPS JOEPPS BJS RVBMJUZ t 6UJMJTBUJPO PG MPX FNJUUJOH NBUFSJBMT JO EFTJHO BOE EBJMZ usage. t -JHIUJOH DPOTJEFSBUJPOT UIBU SFJOGPSDF DJSDBEJBO SIZUINT t 2VBMJUZ TDFOJD WJFXT Oasis initiative In FYE 2021, Yinson's Group Corporate Advisory (“GCA”) started an initiative called Oasis, which groups GCA members across the globe into ‘families’, with ‘guardians’ appointed to facilitate family activities and foster team spirit. Oasis aims to build healthy and meaningful cross- country and cross-departmental relationships across GCA outside of work, in turn contributing to overall employee engagement and mental health, leading to a smoother execution of business activities. There are currently eight families, and activities include coaching and mentorship, one-on-one catchups, birthday celebrations, virtual meet- ups and social outings. Office renovations, pg 148