Yinson Annual Report 2021

116 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS HUMAN CAPITAL FYE 2021 overview: t 0VS UPUBM OVNCFS PG FNQMPZFFT JODSFBTFE UP EVSJOH ':& t 8F OPX IBWF FNQMPZFFT JO UISFF OFX DPVOUSJFT o *OEJB /FUIFSMBOET BOE UIF 6, &NQMPZFFT GSPN PVS OFX *OEJB PGmDF XJMM be reported in our diversity and inclusion statistics from FYE 2022. t 8F TFFL UP JNQSPWF UIF SBUJP PG GFNBMF UP NBMF FNQMPZFFT QBSUJDVMBSMZ BU NBOBHFNFOU MFWFM UISPVHI UBMFOU BDRVJTJUJPO BOE succession planning. In line with our commitment to Gender equality (SDG 5), Yinson aims to take action towards providing equal/ equitable pay across the Group. Our Total Rewards Strategy Project commenced in FYE 2021 and will continue through FYE 2022. The findings from this project will determine the actions that will be taken. Other initiatives we aim to implement in FYE 2022 towards improving diversity and inclusion include: t *NQSPWJOH BXBSFOFTT PG EJWFSTJUZ BOE JODMVTJPO BNPOH FNQMPZFFT UISPVHI PVS -.4 t 1SPWJEJOH DPBDIJOH BOE BXBSFOFTT USBJOJOH GPS IJSJOH NBOBHFST PO EJWFSTJUZ BOE JODMVTJPO t &WBMVBUJOH UIF MFWFM PG EJWFSTJUZ JO PVS TVDDFTTJPO QMBOT GLOBAL CONSISTENCY Employee survey 64% Overall engagement score RESULTS OF GROUP-WIDE EMPLOYEE SURVEY Bottom Quartile (0-56%) Moderate Zone (56-77%) Top Quartile (77-100%) 1 point 63% Global Oil, Gas & Consumable Fuels (2018-2020) 4 points 68% Global (2019-2020) 19 points 83% Malaysia Best Employers 2020 20 points 84% Global Best Employers 2020 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% Global Covid-19: Yinson's new normal, pg 69; Total Rewards Strategy Project, pg 117; Risk Management and Internal Control Structure, pg 171