Yinson Annual Report 2021

109 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 Whistleblowing We are committed to upholding our stakeholders’ trust by adhering to the highest ethical standards of business conduct and promoting a culture of transparency, integrity and accountability. Whistleblowing channels t 8IJTUMFCMPXJOH DIBOOFMT BOE JOGPSNBUJPO DBO CF GPVOE on: - Yinson website. - Yinson corporate intranet. - Yinson Annual Reports. - High traffic areas in Yinson’s office premises. t %JTDMPTVSF BOE EFUBJMFE TUFQT PO PVS XFCTJUF IBWF been enhanced to better guide stakeholders on the steps to whistleblow. Scan the QR code for more information on whistleblowing at Yinson. Whistleblowing reporting process 1. Report alleged misconduct through any of the channels. 2. Report details with the option of being anonymous. 3. Initial investigation launched. 4. Incident Report prepared for Audit Committee Chairperson. 5. Audit Committee Chairperson to review and decide on outcome. 6. Communicate outcome to the whistleblower. Who can whistleblow All stakeholders including business partners, general public, employees, third-parties and vendors are encouraged to come forward and express observations of any improper conduct (misconduct or criminal offence) being committed, or is about to be committed within Yinson through our designated channels, without fear of unfair treatment or reprisal. Number of active cases being investigated One whistleblowing report is under investigation for this year. Due to confidentiality, we will not be disclosing information on our findings until the conclusion of the case; and only if appropriate. Blow the whistle at +60111-662 2738 Department: Yinson’s Governance, Risk Management and Compliance whistleblow@yinson.com Scan the QR code to access the whistleblowing form on our website. INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL ORGANISATIONAL STRUCTURE In 2018, Yinson embarked on an internal entity reorganisation exercise with the overarching purpose of streamlining entities according to business divisions, with a designated company identified as the intermediary holding company. The identified intermediary company would have sufficient sized balance sheets that will eventually provide corporate guarantee to its subsidiaries. The revised structure allows greater clarity for both internal and external stakeholders, improves efficiency and tax structures, and positions Yinson for the growth ahead. The exercise is largely complete, with intermediary holding companies successfully set up for our Offshore Production, Offshore Marine, Renewables and Green Technologies Divisions. Some final transactions, including the liquidation of several entities, are on schedule to be completed in FYE 2022. Whistleblowing