Yinson Annual Report 2021

107 ANNUAL REPORT 2021 INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL Vendor Registration Platform, pg 111; Vendors/ suppliers, pg 141 ESG integration into procurement practices In FYE 2021 we enhanced our VRP to include ESG considerations alongside commercial considerations. All vendors were assessed on the following: t Commercial considerations cover quality planning, continual improvement processes and design considerations. t ESG considerations cover themes such as employee training, adequacy of health and safety management systems, safety cultures and pollution prevention. VRP flags vendors who do not meet our established criteria Yinson’s compliance personnel engage with vendors for reconciliation exercises Reconciliation exercise determines if added measures need to be fulfilled by the vendors Yinson works with vendors towards completing the assessment process Total number of vendors assessed 86 Brazil 1 Canada 2 China 7 Germany 2 Hong Kong 1 India 1 Italy 3 Malaysia 6 Netherlands 5 Nigeria 2 Norway 12 Singapore 26 South Korea 1 Spain 1 Sweden 2 United Kingdom 11 United States 3 Data protection and information security POLICIES INTRODUCED IN FYE 2021 TO ENHANCE DATA PROTECTION AND INFORMATION SECURITY Data Privacy Policy & Procedure Information Security Policy & Procedure t "QQSPWFE PO +VOF t "JNT UP FOTVSF VOJWFSTBMMZ BQQMJDBCMF XPSMEXJEF TUBOEBSET for handling personal data. t *OGPSNBUJPO TFTTJPO PQFO UP BMM FNQMPZFFT BOE JOGPSNBUJPO made available on YNet. t "QQSPWFE PO +VOF t "JNT UP FOTVSF VOJWFSTBMMZ BQQMJDBCMF XPSMEXJEF TUBOEBSET for handling information within Yinson. t *OGPSNBUJPO TFTTJPO PQFO UP BMM FNQMPZFFT BOE JOGPSNBUJPO made available on YNet. VENDORS ASSESSED UNDER ESG CRITERIA BY COUNTRIES OF ORIGIN VENDOR ESG ENGAGEMENT PROCESS