Yinson Annual Report 2021

106 YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD SECTION 05 : OUR CAPITALS INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL GOVERNANCE Corporate governance recognitions received in FYE 2021 t 3FDFJWFE "4&"/ $PSQPSBUF Governance Scorecard Award. t .BJOUBJOFE B DPOTUJUVFOU PG UIF FTSE4Good Index Series. t *ODMVTJPO JO #VSTB .BMBZTJB T Green Lane Policy. t 1MBDFE BNPOHTU UPQ PG Malaysian public listed companies in FTSE Russell’s ESG Rating system. t 1MBDFE BNPOHTU UPQ PG Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings Energy Services industry group. Governance training and awareness The following modules will be administered through LMS in FYE 2022: t $PEF PG $POEVDU BOE #VTJOFTT Ethics (“COBE”) t "#"$ t 1PMJDZ 1MFEHJOH ESG ratings We intend to continuously improve on our ESG Ratings Intellectual property In FYE 2022, we aim to strengthen the management of intellectual property (“IP”) at Yinson through the implementation of a Global Initiative for IP. The initiative will include: t 5SBJOJOH BOE BXBSFOFTT programmes for employees to identify and understand IP. t 4FDVSJOH PG *1 JODMVEJOH trademarks, copyrights, designs and patents. t %FWFMPQNFOU PG *1 .BOBHFNFOU Plan and Strategy. Corporate governance policies and procedures established or updated in FYE 2021 t 4BODUJPO 1PMJDZ t *OGPSNBUJPO 4FDVSJUZ 1PMJDZ Procedure t %BUB 1SJWBDZ 1SPDFEVSF t )FEHJOH 1PMJDZ 1SPDFEVSF t *OWFTUNFOU 3FOFXBCMFT 1PMJDZ Procedure t *OWFTUNFOU 0GGTIPSF 1SPEVDUJPO Policy & Procedure t 4UBLFIPMEFS $PNNVOJDBUJPO Policy & Procedure t $PSQPSBUF %JTDMPTVSF 1PMJDZ Procedure 0 Governance-related fines, penalties or settlements imposed in FYE 2021 0 Number of complaints received involving privacy breach or leaked customer information 1 Number of whistleblowing case received and under review Anti-Bribery & Anti-Corruption Yinson considers corruption and bribery to be among our top risk areas. Our approach towards the matter is detailed in our ABAC Policy, available on the Yinson website. Yinson is undertaking various initiatives towards certifying our Anti-Bribery Management System (ABMS) to ISO 37001 standards, including implementation/ completion of the following: t EVF EJMJHFODF QSPDFTTFT UIBU VUJMJTF TDSFFOJOH SFQPSUT t SFHVMBS JOUFSOBM USBJOJOH BOE BTTFTTNFOUT UIBU SFRVJSF BMM FNQMPZFFT UP GBNJMJBSJTF UIFNTFMWFT XJUI BMM FTUBCMJTIFE QSJODJQMFT t SFRVJSFNFOU GPS BMM FNQMPZFFT UP VOEFSHP BOOVBM TJHO PGGT BT XSJUUFO FYQSFTTJPOT PG BHSFFNFOU UP PVS QPMJDJFT JODMVEJOH ABAC. t HBQ BOBMZTJT FYFSDJTF UP EFUFSNJOF :JOTPO T JOUFSOBM TUBUF PG SFBEJOFTT JO SFMBUJPO UP *40 TUBOEBSET " HBQ BOBMZTJT report was developed and serves as Yinson’s guiding document towards ISO certification. Certification process will be initiated upon completion of enhancements. Approach to sustainability, pg 73; Top 5 Risks, pg 170