Yinson Annual Report 2020

93 Annual Report 2020 With a workforce spanning 11 countries and over 20 nationalities, we recognise that individuals from every background can make unique and valuable contributions to our business. It is precisely this diversity that helps us excel on a global playing field. Yinson’s commitment to diversity and inclusion is upheld through Yinson’s HLR Policy and COBE. These documents set our expectations of operating standards for both internal and external stakeholders. Content- wise, they cover key tenets identified within the Universal Declaration on Human Rights, as well as those established in the International Labour Organisation’s eight fundamental conventions. In line with this commitment, we do not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment on any grounds including race, colour, ethnicity or national origin, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, disability, marital status or any other legally protected status. In addition, our HLR Policy highlights commitments towards freedom of association and collective bargaining, anti- child and anti-forced labour, and minimisation of community impacts where we operate. A key focus for FYE 2020 was educating employees on the principles set out in our ABAC Policy and raising awareness on our whistleblowing channel. Our whistleblowing channel can be used by employees to report violations stemming from COBE- related misconduct, as well as violations of any items under our HLR Policy. Yinson’s Code of Conduct and Business Ethics (pg 70) Diversity and inclusion Progress in FYE 2020 FOCUS FOR FYE 2021 • Increase COBE-related disclosures • Establish Group-wide communication on whistleblowing channel and company policies on diversity and inclusion • Establish plan of activity to underpin aspirations in diversity and inclusion 10 13 21 Employee distribution by gender Male FYE 2018 204 96 FYE 2019 107 243 FYE 2020 129 329 Female Reports of discrimination cases received 0