Yinson Annual Report 2020

92 NATURAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS ORGANISATIONAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN FINANCIAL Yinson Holdings Berhad SECTION 4 OUR CAPITALS Yinson aspires to embrace the changing business environment by moving from ‘analog HR’ to ‘new digital HR’. In the traditional ‘analog’ style of HR, an employee experience could consist of hiring, onboarding, performing, developing, rewarding then retiring. But with digital HR, Yinson aims to enhance our employee experience through: • Engagement and experience • Digital competence and leadership • Social learning and gamification • People analytics and big data • Automation and tools • Digital workplace and mobility. In FYE 2020, Yinson developed the frameworks and targets for our HR digitalisation project, with a number of initiatives planned for FYE 2021. In FYE 2020, an online appraisal system was rolled out to our KL and Singapore offices. We aim to complete the roll-out to all remaining offices by the end of FYE 2021. Another enhancement we made was to digitalise the flexible claims process for our KL office, making it easier to submit and track claims requests. HR digitalisation goals Bring analog HR data into digital sources Short-term goals Identify and implement HR systems that achieve HR digitalisation roadmap and strategy Medium-term goals Digital workers, fully online Long-term goals Leveraging on digital technologies Progress in FYE 2020 FOCUS FOR FYE 2021 • Established digitalisation roadmap and strategy for HR and crewing • Rolled out online performance appraisal system to KL and Singapore offices • Launched online flexible benefit claims via app • Commence execution of the HR digitalisation strategy • Roll out e-training module • Continue rollout of online appraisal system to the remaining offices