Yinson Annual Report 2020

79 Annual Report 2020 Integrated Management Systems Reporting and management of HSEQ and operational information at Yinson are facilitated through two main well-established digital platforms. Our in-house Yinson Management System (YMS) maintains HSEQ management documents, while an external software system manages specific procedures and processes for our offshore vessels, such as checklists, incident reporting and improvements, permits-to- work, audits and findings, risk assessments and emergency information. In FYE 2021, we aim to enhance our existing systems to be further integrated with work processes across the Group. Together with other teams in Yinson, we will be working towards establishing more user-friendly dashboards and overviews that can be used to identify improvement areas, whilst being certified to relevant standards. Safety culture improvement One of Yinson’s HSEQ goals is to develop the safety culture maturity to the next level, utilising new methods and digital tools. Our Safety Culture Transformation Programme, which was started in 2015, is one example of how digitalisation has enhanced learning amongst employees and crew. Employees answered a digital survey which was benchmarked based on results from over 100,000 employees in the offshore industry, and results were analysed to determine Yinson’s capacity to respond positively and openly to failures. Based on survey results, gaps were identified and an action plan built to address them. One of the key learning tools in the programme is a learning platform, which includes four different digital apps. One of these is a ‘game’ where employees and crew are presented with real- life scenarios and prompted to react. Crew engagement with the app will help the Group identify areas for improvement, while reinforcing desirable safety culture behaviours. The four digital apps were completed in FYE 2020. The apps will be launched globally on board all FPSOs and offices in FYE 2021. Environment impact control To support the Group’s focus on sustainability and also in line with our goal of causing zero harm to the environment, we will be working towards rolling out a robust environmental impact monitoring and control system for our FPSOs in the coming financial year. Our aim is to digitalise and automate some monitoring processes, working together with Yinson’s sustainability team to ensure that data for key sustainability indicators are accurately captured. With the data captured, we will be able to better plan how to manage our environmental impacts in the years to come. Reducing COPQ We believe that the improvement in digital reporting, investigation and monitoring of quality costs will serve to reduce the COPQ across the operations of our assets. COPQ is a cost that could realistically reduce when systems, processes and products are improved. Reduction in COPQ is a strategic HSEQ goal, and development of methodology and processes will start in FYE 2021. Strengthening of Document Control System As the Group grows, it becomes increasingly important that our document control system continues to evolve to meet stringent standards of the industry and the certifications that we adhere to. In the coming financial year, we will focus on aligning the documentation system and numbering format across our corporate, projects and operations office. We will also enhance the management of change process and tighten processes relating to the reviews and updates of controlled documents. In addition, we plan to increase the accessibility of these documents across the Group via our corporate intranet, YNet, albeit with stricter access control. In FYE 2020, we implemented Phase 1 of a user-friendly web portal which allows our contractors and employees to work together on documents in a controlled environment. This was successfully Natural Capital (pg 120)