Yinson Annual Report 2020

313 Annual Report 2020 43. Segment information (CONTINUED) Offshore & Marine RM’000 Other operations RM’000 Consolidated RM’000 31 January 2019 Revenue: Gross revenue 1,168,786 517,110 1,685,896 Inter-segment (148,065) (502,932) (650,997) 1,020,721 14,178 1,034,899 Revenue from contracts with customers by segments of the Group are analysed as follows: Revenue from contracts with customers 241,710 9 241,719 Results: Segment results 520,553 (3,942) 516,611 Finance costs (185,559) Share of profit of joint ventures 12,659 Share of profit of associates 150 Income tax expense (79,482) Profit for the financial year 264,379 Amortisation and depreciation (259,855) (5,258) (265,113) Fair value loss: - marketable securities - (1,158) (1,158) - investment properties - (4,200) (4,200) - derivatives - (747) (747) Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment (33,030) - (33,030) Impairment loss on: - trade receivables (1,070) - (1,070) - other receivables (1,379) (3,985) (5,364) - investment in a joint venture - (12,892) (12,892) - tax recoverable (3,686) - (3,686) Net unrealised gain on foreign exchange 5,748 17,272 23,020 Other non-cash income/(expenses) 252 (111) 141 Assets and liabilities Segment assets 7,022,892 1,060,408 8,083,300 Segment liabilities 3,736,165 723,158 4,459,323 Additions to property, plant and equipment 718,046 133,106 851,152