Yinson Annual Report 2020

312 Notes to the financial statements (cont’d) For the financial year ended 31 January 2020 Yinson Holdings Berhad SECTION 7 ACCOUNTABILITY 43. Segment information (CONTINUED) Offshore & Marine RM’000 Other operations RM’000 Consolidated RM’000 31 January 2020 Revenue: Gross revenue 2,574,943 632,922 3,207,865 Inter-segment (68,522) (620,003) (688,525) 2,506,421 12,919 2,519,340 Revenue from contracts with customers by segments of the Group are analysed as follows: Revenue from contracts with customers 156,337 - 156,337 Results: Segment results 519,426 (331) 519,095 Finance costs (198,369) Share of profit of joint ventures 10,392 Income tax expense (69,821) Profit for the financial year 261,297 Amortisation and depreciation (240,780) (5,363) (246,143) Fair value gain/(loss): - marketable securities - 496 496 - investment properties - (2,400) (2,400) - derivatives - (893) (893) Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment (4,883) - (4,883) Reversal of impairment loss/(impairment loss) on: - trade receivables 670 - 670 - other receivables 1,409 507 1,916 - other assets (4,084) - (4,084) - tax recoverable (2,069) - (2,069) Net unrealised gain on foreign exchange 625 5,105 5,730 Other non-cash expenses (889) (848) (1,737) Assets and liabilities Segment assets 8,937,611 577,794 9,515,405 Segment liabilities 5,190,552 550,984 5,741,536 Additions to property, plant and equipment 1,302,327 759 1,303,086