Yinson Annual Report 2020

297 Annual Report 2020 38. Significant related party disclosures (CONTINUED) (a) Significant related party transactions (continued) Group Company 2020 2019 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Subsidiaries: (continued) - interest income - - 33,714 47,466 - dividend income - - 345,778 295,071 - service income - - 604 364 - rental income - - - 97 (b) Related party balances Related party balances have been disclosed in Notes 24 and 36 to the financial statements. (c) Compensation to key management personnel Key management personnel of the Group and of the Company are made up of directors of the Group and the Company. Information of compensation to directors is disclosed in Note 11. 39. Commitments (a) Capital commitments Group 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 Approved and contracted for: Property, plant and equipment 242,780 485,977