Yinson Annual Report 2020

289 Annual Report 2020 33. Leases (a) Finance lease receivables - the Group as lessor Group 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 Minimum lease receivables: Within 1 year 190,114 2,833 More than 1 year and less than 5 years 747,940 11,332 More than 5 years 2,212,628 22,145 Total undiscounted lease payments 3,150,682 36,310 Less: Future finance income (1,601,453) (20,673) Net investment in finance lease 1,549,229 15,637 Current 48,214 468 Non-current 1,501,015 15,169 1,549,229 15,637 (i) In the financial year ended 31 January 2018, the Group entered into a 14-years lease arrangement for a parcel of land and buildings. At the end of the lease term, the lessee has the exclusive rights to purchase the lease properties at a certain fixed purchase price. Finance income on the net investment in the lease during the financial year is RM2,346,000 (2019: RM2,392,000) (Note 8). (ii) During the financial year, a subsidiary of the Company has commenced a finance lease for the chartering of an FPSO (FPSO Helang) to a third party for a lease term of 18 years comprising of a firm charter period of 8 years and annual extension option periods of up to 10 years. Finance income on the net investment in the lease during the financial year is RM25,874,000 (Note 6), of which RM3,764,000 relates to variable lease payments which is not included in the measurement of the net investment in the lease.