Yinson Annual Report 2020

SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS HUMAN ORGANISATIONAL MANUFACTURED FINANCIAL NATURAL 124 Yinson Holdings Berhad SECTION 4 OUR CAPITALS Water An FPSO utilises seawater for many purposes in its day to day operations. Depending on its means of usage and location on the FPSO, seawater is brought in either through sea chests at the bottom of the FPSO hull or at dedicated sea water pipes and hoses on the side of the vessel. Sea water in its pure state is utilised for many functions, such as cooling and fire water, but also as water that is injected into the oil reservoirs to maintain well pressure. The latter is typically treated sea water, meaning oxygen, sulphates and some types of bacteria are removed in order to prevent corrosion issues, upsets in the piping and to avoid introducing ‘food’ to the bacteria which lives in the reservoir, which can cause reservoir souring. Seawater is also utilised for keeping the FPSO self-supplied with fresh water. This is done through different processes depending on its usage – either through an evaporator process or a reverse osmosis process. This water is used for all essential services on board such as cooking, showering and cleaning, and also as a cooling water medium. Any water that is discharged overboard after serving its purpose is closely monitored so that we do not introduce any contaminations to the sea. If the water for some reason does not meet the quality requirements, it is automatically routed to a temporary storage tank for treatment prior to being re-routed for discharge. Drinking water is supplemented as needed by bottled water. Seawater intake to FPSO Basic filtration Seawater treatment (removal of oxygen and sulphate) Fresh water / potable water Generator Water injection into reservoirs To boost pressure and prolong the production life of subsea wells Topside utilisation (direct or indirect) Topside process and equipment cooling Ship utilisation Water ballasting for ship stability Fire fighting system Marine and accommodation utilisation (direct or indirect) Marine process and equipment cooling Ship main engine cooling Power generation cooling Accommodation HVAC Fresh and potable water Heating and cooling medium for processes General washing and flushing activities Feed water for boilers Crew consumption 15 20