Yinson Annual Report 2020

117 Annual Report 2020 office established a partnership with Malaysians of Melbourne University; while the Singapore office began a partnership with Singapore Institute of Technology. The KL office will be partnering with Sunway University, Malaysia, this financial year. We also launched our L.E.A.P for young graduates. leadership potential, empowering people to become effective leaders in their spheres. Bankers and lenders Our bankers and lenders provide the equity that funds business growth. We engage extensively with the banking community on our business model and strategy, including risks, opportunities and growth potential as we believe this improves the prospect of securing future capital. Recruitment and retention of high- quality employees and crew (pg 85) Yinson’s strategy for managing Financial Capital (pg 50), Financing section in MD&A (pg 134) Localisation of workforce We believe that the more local capacity is created in terms of skilled workforce and experience, the more sustainable our local operations will be. Yinson contributes to the localisation of our country offices through our trainee programmes, which were successfully implemented in Ghana and Nigeria, and by endeavoring to hire a local workforce. Nigeria Trainee Programme (pg 89), Ghana Graduate Trainee Programme (pg 90), Hiring a local workforce (pg 90) Local development initiatives We continued to build partnerships with local tertiary education institutions in FYE 2020 with the aim of sharing our value proposition with students. During the financial year, the KL In March 2020, over 30 local entrepreneurs and emerging Yinson leaders attended a talk on ‘Leadership for Sustainable Growth’, delivered by globally recognised thought-leader Rajeev Peshawaria. Organised by Yinson as part of the Group’s ongoing effort to bring value to the communities around us, the talk was designed to unlock In FYE 2020, we organised several roadshows where key personnel from our teams responsible for fund raising visited several European-based banks to strengthen existing relationships and meet with potential new