Yinson Annual Report 2020

111 Annual Report 2020 We have taken part in the following CSR activities in FYE 2020. TEACH FOR MALAYSIA (TFM) We continued to be a corporate partner with independent, non-profit organisation, TFM through our sponsorship of a Fellow, Divyang Hong. Engagement activities in FYE 2020 are as follows. Sponsorship of Seindah Yinson One of the critical needs identified by our Fellow in the school where he is based includes declining attendance rates. This directly contributes to poor academic performance. The Seindah Yinson Programme incentivises students to maintain better attendance through an inter class ‘Attendance league’ competition and an individual attendance challenge. The class with the highest attendance rates, and individual students with best attendance records are rewarded in a school- wide appreciation ceremony, complete with certificates, trophies and a celebratory year-end ‘party’. After implementation, school attendance rates went up by 1.24%, a significant achievement considering that the results demonstrated a reversal in the declining attendance trend. Average student attendance 87.62% 2018 88.86% 2019 Ideas presented by Fellows were deliberated and sponsored by participating corporates. Speakers’ Platform (SPLAT!) SPLAT! is a debate training platform created by TFM Fellows for high school students to improve their command of English and critical thinking skills. The initiative peaks with a debating tournament. Divyang is a founding mentor of SPLAT! TFM Week 2019 Senior Management co-taught alongside Divyang during this event. Our Group CEO interacted with students on the skillsets needed to excel in the global environment of rapid digitalisation. D ragon’s Den Our Director of CEO’s Office acted as one of three corporate panel judges in ‘Dragon’s Den’, where Fellows pitched initiatives to address social issues within their local communities. The annual event was held in conjunction with TFM’s biannual Innovation Day. SPLAT! tournament 2020 highlights 159 students from 7 high needs schools around Kuala Lumpur participated 144 were participating in an English debate competition for the very first time TFM Brownbag Session Yinson met with TFM’s incoming 2020 cohort during the foundation’s 7-week Pre-Service Programme. Yinson’s representatives had the opportunity to closely engage with the incoming Fellows to understand how they are trained in preparation for their upcoming roles as educators.