Yinson Annual Report 2020

99 Annual Report 2020 The incidents that occured in FYE 2020 are as follows: • 2 LTIs – (i) A crew lost balance and fell down a ladder from one topside deck to another, causing a broken leg and bruises. (ii) A crew slipped on deck while cleaning, resulting in an injured knee • 2 MTCs – (i) A contractor opened a camlock on a waterpump under pressure, causing the camlock to ‘jump’, resulting in a broken nose. (ii) A contractor cut his hand during the cutting of a ziptie, resulting in a cut requiring stitches • 2 FAC – (i) A crew tripped on the edge of a walkway, resulting in minor leg and hand injuries. (ii) A crew was impacted in the face by a chain on a chain-block, and suffered minor injuries. All cases are investigated by our HSEQ-led Investigation Committee, and results used to develop ‘lessons learnt’ and other training materials to mitigate root causes and reduce the risk of similar incidents happening again. This process is supported via our established, implemented and maintained procedures for, among others, notification, recording, investigation and analysing of HSE incidents; defining HSE deficiencies and other factors that might be the contributor or cause of incidents; defining need for mitigating activities; and so on. Our Occupational Health and Safety management systems act to identify and control potential risks including those that may require emergency response procedures. Our commitment towards preparation for, and responses to such emergencies and those beyond are captured via our formalised internal Emergency Response Plan. The document outlines procedures to be undertaken in the event of emergencies, including communication procedures for our unit-level emergency response teams and channels for contacting our external stakeholders. Furthermore, regular training in the form of emergency exercises and drills are conducted to ensure personnel maintain a high-level of readiness. Safety performance during the projects phase of Yinson’s FPSOs HSE parameters 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total manhours worked 5,561,947 11,872,155 770,094 4,283,527 7,268,052 Fatalities 0 0 0 0 0 LTI 0 0 0 0 0 MTC 2 5 0 0 1 RWC 0 5 1 0 0 FAC 1 10 1 5 6 LTI Frequency 0 0 0 0 0 TRI Frequency 0.4 0.8 1.3 0 0.14