Yinson Annual Report 2020

96 NATURAL SOCIAL & RELATIONSHIPS ORGANISATIONAL MANUFACTURED HUMAN FINANCIAL Yinson Holdings Berhad SECTION 4 OUR CAPITALS As a responsible employer and reliable business partner, we work diligently to provide a safe working environment to our employees, crew and all who work with us such as our contractors. This is to ensure the business continues to function effectively, and to attract and retain skilled people and business partners. As such, our Group-wide target is to have zero health and safety issues wherever we operate – be it onshore or offshore. Safety culture is inseparable from our Core Values, and both are embedded in our organisation. We strive to build a culture where our people embrace failure, as we believe this is the most effective way to prevent mistakes from escalating to major incidents, and enables us to learn as an organisation. In addition to our internal company culture, we have safety guidelines established within our contractual agreements with relevant business partners to guide overall project commitments towards safety. We take a systematic approach to health and safety, and deliver programmes to enhance safety practices across the organisation. Our risk management frameworks and processes, designed to safeguard the health and safety of all employees, are captured via the integration of our ERM system with our OHSAS 18001: Health & Safety Management systems. We have an internal requirement for auditors of our ISO certifications/ management systems to be certified in ISO 19011 to lead, participate in, and report their respective audit findings. As per the requirements to maintain ISO certifications, audits need to be completed once every three years. Having said that, we have internal audit processes once a year. This is to ensure that our risk identification, assessments and incident investigations are maintained at optimum levels. In the event of unforeseen circumstances or potential emergencies, we empower our employees to use their best judgment on protecting health and safety through our internal Stop Work Policy, which outlines the Management’s full support towards employee, client and contractor decisions to stop work in the face of potential hazards. Yinson has run a Safety Culture Transformation Programme since 2015 in collaboration with an external consultant, which evaluates our capacity to effectively embrace failure. Under the programme, our safety culture is periodically evaluated against eight leadership behaviours, and action plans are developed to address identified gaps. In FYE 2020, we developed digital tools to enhance learning and collaboration, which was identified as one of the improvement areas in FYE 2019 survey. Safety culture improvement (pg 79) Onshore safety The nature of work in offices generally lead to lesser safety risks, relative to the offshore divisions. We reinforce safety culture in our offices as below: • Observation cards prominently available in every office • Safety moment segments at every town hall meeting, conducted by HSEQ personnel • Safety briefings before every event, conducted by HSEQ personnel • Safety inductions as part of the onboarding process • Training of employees to function as first aiders, floor wardens and fire marshals • Basic Occupational First Aid, CPR & Automated External Defibrillator and Building Emergency Response & Basic Fire Fighting training for employees.