Yinson Annual Report 2019

In FYE 2019, we demonstrated our commitment to community investment with the creation of a Corporate Social Responsibility Policy and Procedure (“CSR P&P”). This document outlines our objectives, strategy, focus areas and procedures for Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) across Yinson. In establishing the CSR P&P, we move beyond one-off initiatives and towards long term strategic engagement projects, as befitting an organisation with our capacity to deliver positive change. We seek community development programmes that have real purpose, and engage in a rigorous review and evaluation process to evaluate the potential for a programme to bring value to the community, environment and Yinson. In screening new CSR initiatives, we evaluate programme alignment with Yinson’s CSRmission and strategy, as well as adherence to the corporate governance principles set out in our COBE. We also assess any potential social, environmental or economic risks presented by the programmes, including legal and compliance risks. CSR initiatives are further vetted based on ABAC considerations to ensure that programmes are not a conduit for bribery or illegal gratification. Through this process, we ensure that we are supporting programmes that deliver shared value for our communities without compromising our principles. To ensure the effective delivery of quality programmes, we engage in partnerships with relevant organisations who share the goals of our mission. Our programmes are therefore collaborative efforts that benefit from the expertise of established organisations with financial and non-financial support provided by Yinson. We also encourage our employees to become involved in caring for their communities through active participation in our CSR programmes or volunteerism in their own communities. Yinson’s CSR initiatives are overseen by the CSR Committee, which consists of representatives from each of our main geographical areas of presence. The Committee is responsible for preparing and reviewing Group-wide CSR plans, monitoring identified programmes’ progress up to completion and managing communications to promote internal awareness of Yinson’s CSR programmes. The CSR Committee provides quarterly updates on CSR initiatives to the Sustainability Committee. For FYE 2019, our CSR initiatives can be broadly separated into those that create stronger communities through investments in the built environment and those that do so through contributions to social programmes. As a global company whose operations touch the lives of individuals all over the world, we are committed to good corporate citizenship in every community we operate in. Through the delivery of targeted, meaningful and long-lasting community development programmes, we aim to create shared economic, environmental and social value to the benefit of our company and our communities. MATERIAL ASPECT #4 - INVESTING IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES Promoting quality education and effective learning Promoting education through sport Providing skills improvement and training opportunities to meet the demands in the energy industry Promoting environmental conservation and rehabilitation Focus areas of Yinson’s CSRMission 55 Yinson Group Overview Strategy and Sustainability Governance Accountability Annual General Meeting