Yinson Annual Report 2019

157 Yinson Group Overview Strategy and Sustainability Governance Accountability Annual General Meeting 16. PROPERTY, PLANT AND EQUIPMENT Vessels, tugboats, Vessel Land and Motor and construction *Other buildings vehicles barges in progress assets Total Group RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Cost At 1 February 2017 10,343 3,772 1,645,872 3,595,269 13,749 5,269,005 Acquisition of subsidiaries – 615 259,322 – 468 260,405 Additions 5,618 – 530 491,350 7,825 505,323 Disposals – – – – (970) (970) Written off – – (3) – (253) (256) Reclassification – – 3,658,540 (3,658,540) – – Reclassification to finance lease receivables (Note 33(a)) (14,688) – – – – (14,688) Exchange differences (1,273) (192) (292,763) (428,079) (1,524) (723,831) At 31 January 2018 and 1 February 2018 – 4,195 5,271,498 – 19,295 5,294,988 Acquisition of subsidiaries – – – – 786 786 Additions – 1,979 158,068 689,634 1,471 851,152 Disposals – (1,133) (373) – (77) (1,583) Written off – – – – (60) (60) Reclassification – – (174,957) 174,957 – – Exchange differences – 71 298,550 – 729 299,350 At 31 January 2019 – 5,112 5,552,786 864,591 22,144 6,444,633 Accumulated depreciation At 1 February 2017 68 2,166 619,379 – 5,336 626,949 Acquisition of subsidiaries – 219 365 – 84 668 Charge for the financial year (65) 275 216,217 – 3,045 219,472 Disposals – – – – (933) (933) Written off – – (1) – (218) (219) Exchange differences (3) (109) (181,276) – (762) (182,150) At 31 January 2018 and 1 February 2018 – 2,551 654,684 – 6,552 663,787 Acquisition of subsidiaries – – – – 192 192 Charge for the financial year – 327 276,112 – 2,608 279,047 Disposals – (595) (257) – (77) (929) Written off – – – – (60) (60) Reclassification – – 6 – (6) – Exchange differences – 43 71,770 – 327 72,140 At 31 January 2019 – 2,326 1,002,315 – 9,536 1,014,177