Yinson Annual Report 2019

Yinson Holdings Berhad ANNUAL REPORT 2019 134 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (CONTINUED) 2.17 Financial instruments (continued) Accounting policies applied until 31 January 2018 (continued) (i) Financial assets (continued) (b) Subsequent measurement (continued) Loans and receivables Financial assets with fixed or determinable payments that are not quoted in an active market are classified as loan and receivables. Subsequent to initial recognition, loans and receivables are measured at amortised cost using the effective interest method. Gains and losses are recognised in profit or loss when the loans and receivables are derecognised or impaired, and through the amortisation process. Loans and receivables are classified as current assets, except for those having maturity dates later than 12 months after the reporting date which are classified as non-current. Held-to-maturity investments Non-derivative financial assets with fixed or determinable payments and fixed maturities are classified as held-to-maturity when the Group has the positive intention and ability to hold them to maturity. After initial measurement, held-to-maturity investments are measured at amortised cost using the EIR, less impairment. Amortised cost is calculated by taking into account any discount or premium on acquisition and fees or costs that are an integral part of the EIR. The EIR amortisation is included as finance income in the profit or loss. The losses arising from impairment are recognised in the profit or loss as finance costs. The Group did not have any held-to-maturity investments during the financial years ended 31 January 2019 and 2018. Available-for-sale (“AFS”) financial assets AFS financial investments include equity investments and debt securities. Equity investments classified as AFS are those that are neither classified as held for trading nor designated at fair value through profit or loss. Debt securities in this category are those that are intended to be held for an indefinite period of time and that may be sold in response to needs for liquidity or in response to changes in the market conditions. After initial measurement, AFS financial assets are subsequently measured at fair value with unrealised gains or losses recognised in OCI and credited in the AFS reserve until the investment is derecognised, at which time the cumulative gain or loss is recognised in other operating income, or the investment is determined to be impaired, when the cumulative loss is reclassified from the AFS reserve to the profit or loss. Interest earned whilst holding AFS financial assets is reported as interest income using the EIR method. The Group evaluates whether the ability and intention to sell its AFS financial assets in the near term is still appropriate. When, in rare circumstances, the Group is unable to trade these financial assets due to inactive markets, the Group may elect to reclassify these financial assets if the management has the ability and intention to hold the assets for foreseeable future or until maturity. For a financial asset reclassified from the AFS category, the fair value carrying amount at the date of reclassification becomes its new amortised cost and any previous gain or loss on the asset that has been recognised in equity is amortised to profit or loss over the remaining life of the investment using the EIR. Any difference between the new amortised cost and the maturity amount is also amortised over the remaining life of the asset using the EIR. If the asset is subsequently determined to be impaired, then the amount recorded in equity is reclassified to the profit or loss. For the financial year ended 31 January 2019 Notes to the financial statements (cont’d)