Yinson Annual Report 2019

115 Yinson Group Overview Strategy and Sustainability Governance Accountability Annual General Meeting Share-based Share Treasury option Retained Total capital shares reserve earnings equity RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Company (Note 27) (Note 28) (Note 30 (c)) (Note 31) 2019 At 1 February 2018 1,099,490 (12,633) 1,962 177,749 1,266,568 Total comprehensive income – – – 245,429 245,429 Transactions with owners Cash dividends (Note 15) – – – (108,468) (108,468) Exercise of ESS 1,600 – – – 1,600 Issuance of ESS – – 178 – 178 Purchase of treasury shares – (31,196) – – (31,196) Total transactions with owners 1,600 (31,196) 178 (108,468) (137,886) At 31 January 2019 1,101,090 (43,829) 2,140 314,710 1,374,111 2018 At 1 February 2017 1,099,462 (12,633) 304 155,655 1,242,788 Total comprehensive income – – – 87,385 87,385 Transactions with owners Cash dividends (Note 15) – – – (65,291) (65,291) Exercise of ESS 28 – – – 28 Issuance of ESS – – 1,658 – 1,658 Total transactions with owners 28 – 1,658 (65,291) (63,605) At 31 January 2018 1,099,490 (12,633) 1,962 177,749 1,266,568 The notes on pages 119 to 211 are an integral part of these consolidated financial statements.