Yinson Annual Report 2019

113 Yinson Group Overview Strategy and Sustainability Governance Accountability Annual General Meeting Statements of changes in equity For the financial year ended 31 January 2019 Attributable to owners of the Company Foreign currency Cash flows Share-based Perpetual Non- Share Treasury translation hedge option Capital Put option Retained securities of controlling Total capital shares reserve reserve reserve reserve reserve earnings Total subsidiaries interests equity RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group (Note 27) (Note 28) (Note 30 (a)) (Note 30 (b)) (Note 30 (c)) (Note 30 (d)) (Note 30 (e)) (Note 31) (Note 45) 2019 At 1 February 2018 1,099,490 (12,633) 34,351 (46,162) 1,962 96,690 – 826,703 2,000,401 632,162 595 2,633,158 Impacts arising from application of MFRS 9 (Note 3) – – – – – – – (18,526) (18,526) – – (18,526) At 1 February 2018 (restated) 1,099,490 (12,633) 34,351 (46,162) 1,962 96,690 – 808,177 1,981,875 632,162 595 2,614,632 Profit for the financial year – – – – – – – 234,896 234,896 – 29,483 264,379 Other comprehensive income – – 126,266 10,498 – – – – 136,764 – 4,258 141,022 Total comprehensive income – – 126,266 10,498 – – – 234,896 371,660 – 33,741 405,401 Transactions with owners Paid and accrued perpetual securities distribution by subsidiaries – – – – – – – (93,683) (93,683) – – (93,683) Effect of changes in shareholding in subsidiaries – – – – – – (455,725) 175,861 (279,864) – 291,505 11,641 Cash dividends to owners of the Company (Note 15) – – – – – – – (108,468) (108,468) – – (108,468) Cash dividends to non-controlling interests – – – – – – – – – – (23,161) (23,161) Exercise of ESS 1,600 – – – – – – – 1,600 – – 1,600 Issuance of ESS – – – – 178 – – – 178 – – 178 Issue of perpetual securities by a subsidiary – – – – – – – – – 943,723 – 943,723 Redemption of convertible notes instrument by a subsidiary – – – – – (96,690) – – (96,690) – – (96,690) Purchase of treasury shares – (31,196) – – – – – – (31,196) – – (31,196) Total transactions with owners 1,600 (31,196) – – 178 (96,690) (455,725) (26,290) (608,123) 943,723 268,344 603,944 At 31 January 2019 1,101,090 (43,829) 160,617 (35,664) 2,140 – (455,725) 1,016,783 1,745,412 1,575,885 302,680 3,623,977