Yinson Annual Report 2018

Part II – Board Composition Intended Outcome 4.0 Board decisions are made objectively in the best interest of the company taking into account diverse perspectives and insights. Presently, the Board comprises of eight (8) members of whom three (3) Executive Directors, two (2) Non-Independent Non- Executive Directors, three (3) Independent Non-Executive Directors. The independence composition of the Board is 37.5% and 2 out of 8 directors are women. The Board believes an appropriate balance and mix of skills, knowledge, experience, background and gender ensure the effectiveness of the Board. All three (3) Independent Non-Executive Directors had currently served for two (2) consecutive years in the Company. The profiles of the Directors are found at page 22 to 29 of the 2018 Annual Report. Board Diversity Chart 25% 37% 38% Board Composition Executive Director Independent Director Non-Independent Non-Executive Director 25% 75% Board Gender Diversity Male Female 13% 25% 50% 12% Board Age Diversity >69 60-69 50-59 <50 63% 37% Board Ethnicity Malay Chinese Corporate Overview Stewardship Governance Accountability 67 Yinson Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018