Yinson Annual Report 2018

Governance Corporate Governance Overview Statement (Cont’d) The Board is also assisted by Management Committee and Sustainability Committee, which consist of the Senior Management of the Group. The delegation of responsibilities of respective Management-level Committees are as defined below: • The Management Committee was established in September 2016 to (i) assist the Board in overseeing the day-to-day operations and business affairs of the Group as well as guiding, directing and monitoring of the Groups’ activities to achieve the corporate objectives and strategic goals of the Group; (ii) review the Group’s business strategies, business plans, policies and frameworks; and (iii) assist the Board/Board Risk Management Committee in identifying the principal business risks faced by the Group and ensures the implementation of appropriate internal controls and mitigating measures to manage such risks. • The Sustainability Committee was established in June 2016 to (i) support and advice the Board in relation to embedding sustainability principles and practices throughout the Group’s overall business strategies, policies, processes and practices to ensure the continuity of the Group; (ii) oversee on behalf of the Board, management processes, standards and strategies designed to manage sustainability aspects and achieve compliance with social and environmental responsibilities and commitments; (iii) support the Board to meet sustainability expectation of the Group’s various stakeholders; and (iv) steer the Company towards qualifying for Sustainability Index in Malaysia and globally. A detailed report on the sustainability is set out in the Sustainability Statement as contained in page 50 to 59 of the 2018 Annual Report. Intended Outcome 3.0 The board is committed to promoting good business conduct and maintaining a healthy corporate culture that engenders integrity, transparency and fairness. The board, management, employees and other stakeholders are clear on what is considered acceptable behaviour and practice in the company. Code of Ethics The Code of Ethics is formulated to enhance the stands of corporate governance and corporate behaviour with the intention of achieving the following aims: • ethical behaviour for Directors, Senior Management and employees grounded on trustworthiness and values that reflect integrity and honesty; • uphold the spirit of responsibility and social responsibility in line with regulatory requirements or prevailing guidelines for administrating a company; and • formalise and inculcate ethical values through the Code of Ethics, including implementation and compliance. The Board recognises the importance of adhering to the Code of Ethics and has taken measures to put in place a process to ensure its compliance. The areas covered are as follows: • work environment; • safety, health and environment; • property of the Group; • records and information; • proprietary and confidential information; • non-engaging with illegal activities; • fair dealings with others and non-permission to offer, give, solicit or accept gift, bribe, secret commission and other form of benefits; • involvement in political contribution and activities; • dealing with conflict of interests; and • report of violations through Whistleblower Policy. The Board constantly observe the Code of Ethics and uphold integrity in discharging its fiduciary duties. The Board is in the midst of establishing and implementing Insider Trading Policy and Procedure, Anti-Bribery and Anti-Corruption Policy as well as Anti-Money Laundering Policy. Whistleblower Policy The Whistleblower Policy is established to facilitates the disclosure of wrongdoings such as fraud, corruption, serious financial impropriety and gross mismanagement to be reported and addressed in an appropriate and timely manner. The Whistleblower Policy also provides guidance on who can, what to, when to and how to disclose wrongdoing. The Company provides assurance of protection for genuine whistleblowers. The Whistleblower Policy is targeted to be reviewed in the second quarter of 2018. 66 Yinson Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018