Yinson Annual Report 2018

Stewardship Sustainability Statement (Cont’d) Our investment in local communities is closely linked to our corporate social responsibility (“CSR”) programs, which we are constantly reviewing in our effort to integrate and ensure effective coordination of our activities. What is envisioned is for our CSR activities to not be one-off or short-term initiatives but for them to move towards the creation of shared value, which will benefit the community and company in the long term. Education is an essential component of our CSR strategy and, as a responsible company, we leverage on our area of expertise with education programs that develop the talent pool for the oil and gas sector. Currently we are actively involved in education initiatives in Ghana. INVESTING IN LOCAL COMMUNITIES Recognising the gap between the talent pool and human resource requirements of the oil and gas sector in West Africa, we embarked on an initiative to offer an end-to-end approach to nurturing future talent. By supporting school-going children, and subsequently training and employing the talent pool, we not only are able to fulfil the local requirements but we help build and foster community relations as well. We believe that children deserve to learn in a safe, clean and healthy environment and, as such, in 2015 we became part of the founding team of the Future Stars Program in Ghana in collaboration with OMA Ghana, our local JV partner. Through the Program we are improving the lives of school-going children through sports as well as embarking on the Future Stars School Rehabilitation (“FSSR”) Project, to rehabilitate five public schools in Tema, a city about 25 km from the capital city Accra. 54 Yinson Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018