Yinson Annual Report 2018

10. PROPOSED ADOPTION OF NEW CONSTITUTION OF THE COMPANY “THAT approval be and is hereby given to amend the existing Memorandum and Articles of Association of the Company in its entirety by replacing it with a new Constitution as set out in Appendix A of the Statement to Shareholders dated 31 May 2018 which shall take effect from the date of passing of this resolution AND THAT the Board of Directors of the Company be and is hereby authorised to assent to any conditions, modifications and/or amendments as may be required by any relevant authorities, and to do all acts and things and take all such steps as may be considered necessary to give full effect to the foregoing.” Special Resolution 1 NOTICE OF DIVIDEND ENTITLEMENT AND PAYMENT NOTICE IS ALSO HEREBY GIVEN THAT subject to the approval of shareholders at the Twenty-Fifth Annual General Meeting of the Company to be held on Thursday, 12 July 2018, a Final Single Tier Dividend of 2 sen per ordinary share in respect of the financial year ended 31 January 2018 will be paid on 27 August 2018 to the shareholders of the Company whose names appear in the Record of Depositors on 2 August 2018. The entitlement date for the dividend payment is on 2 August 2018. A Depositor shall qualify for entitlement to the dividend only in respect of: (a) Shares transferred into the Depositor’s Securities Account before 4.00 p.m. on 2 August 2018 in respect of ordinary transfer; and (b) Shares bought on the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on a cum entitlement basis according to the Rules of the Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. BY ORDER OF THE BOARD YINSON HOLDINGS BERHAD WONG WAI FOONG (MAICSA 7001358) TAN BEE HWEE (MAICSA 7021024) Company Secretaries Kuala Lumpur 31 May 2018 Notes: 1. A member entitled to attend and vote at the meeting is entitled to appoint one (1) or more proxies to attend and vote in his stead. A proxy may, but need not, be a member of the Company. 2. Where a member appoints two (2) or more proxies, the appointments shall be invalid unless he/she specifies the proportions of his/ her shareholdings to be represented by each proxy. 3. Where a member of the Company is an exempt authorised nominee which holds ordinary shares in the Company for multiple beneficial owners in one securities account (“omnibus account”), there is no limit to the number of proxies which the exempt authorised nominee may appoint in respect of each omnibus account it holds. 4. Where an authorised nominee appoints two (2) proxies, or where an exempt authorised nominee appoints two (2) or more proxies, the proportion of shareholdings to be represented by each proxy must be specified in the instrument appointing the proxies. 5. The instrument appointing a proxy shall be in writing signed by the appointor or his/her attorney duly authorised in writing or, if the appointor is a corporation, either under its common seal or under the hand of an officer or attorney duly authorised. 6. The instrument appointing a proxy and the power of attorney or other authority, if any, under which it is signed or a notarially or certified copy of that power or authority shall be deposited at the Company’s Share Registrar, Securities Services (Holdings) Sdn. Bhd. at Level 7, Menara Milenium, Jalan Damanlela, Pusat Bandar Damansara, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, not less than forty-eight (48) hours before the time for holding the meeting or any adjournment thereof. 7. Depositors who appear in the Record of Depositors as at 5 July 2018 shall be regarded as member of the Company entitled to attend the Annual General Meeting or appoint a proxy to attend, speak and vote on his behalf. Annual General Meeting (Cont’d) 200 Yinson Holdings Berhad Annual Report 2018 Accountability