Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

91 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 Attributable to owners of the Company Share capital Treasury shares Exchange translation reserves Retained profits Total Non- controlling interests Total equity RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 At 1 January 2019 547,690 (4,779) (4,679) 417,494 955,726 81,118 1,036,844 Net profit/(loss) for the financial year - - - 24,136 24,136 (10,569) 13,567 Other comprehensive income for the financial year - - 84 - 84 22 106 Total comprehensive income/(expense) for the financial year - - 84 24,136 24,220 (10,547) 13,673 Transactions with owners: Dividend paid/payable to non-controlling interests - - - - - (10,881) (10,881) Total contributions by and distributions to owners - - - - - (10,881) (10,881) Incorporation of a new subsidiary - - - - - 247 247 Issuance of new shares to non-controlling interests of existing subsidiaries - - - - - 1,690 1,690 Acquisition of shares in existing subsidiary from non-controlling interests - - - - - (1) (1) Liquidation of a subsidiary - - - - - (374) (374) Total changes in ownership interest in subsidiaries that did not result in a loss of control - - - - - 1,562 1,562 Total transactions with owners - - - - - (9,319) (9,319) At 31 December 2019 547,690 (4,779) (4,595) 441,630 979,946 61,252 1,041,198 CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020