Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

15 ANNUAL REPORT 2020 During the year, we activated our “Global Pandemic Preparedness Response Team” (“GPPRT”) to respond to the COVID-19 Outbreak, which is aligned to the Disease Outbreak Response System Condition (“DORSCON”) Control Level. List of preventive and recovery measures to manage the COVID-19 pandemic No. Activities 1 Setting up of Pandemic Preparedness Response Team (“PPRT”) 2 Health Declaration and Screening 3 Use of hand sanitisers at entry points 4 Travel restrictions 5 Education and communication 6 Hand washing and sanitization/increased locations for hand sanitizers 7 Common areas with increased cleaning and sanitization 8 Social Distancing at work place 9 Acquisition, Stocking and Replenishment of Personal Protective Equipment (“PPE”) 10 Documentation of Plans and Procedures 11 Management of Infected Staff and Contacts 12 Dedicated quarantine areas 13 Deceased staff 14 Vaccination/Prophylaxis/Antivirals 15 Minimum Manning 16 Supply chain disruptions 17 Staying Motivated GROUP COVID-19 PREPAREDNESS & RESPONSE PLAN IS ALIGNED WITH DORSCON CONTROL LEVEL Level People Workplace Travel Level 1 When public health agencies have not declared to be a serious threat at a local level. Provide guidance on basic hygiene precautions.  Ensure basic hygiene measures in facilities.  Provide relevant, updated information. Apply restrictions as suggested at organisational level Level 2 When there is a perceived public health threat at a local level as declared by local or international public health agencies. All measures mentioned in LEVEL 1 and in addition  Close monitoring and support of ‘individuals at high risk of infection’.  Trigger action consequent to ‘abnormal health situation’.  Cancellation of face to face, if applicable. All measures mentioned in LEVEL 1 and in addition  Information and guidance to teams and managers.  Elements of advanced hygiene protocols.  Added disinfection measures for employees.  Advanced disinfection and cleaning protocols of premises.  Ensure adequate ventilation of premises, as practicable.  Encourage practice of social distancing.  Ensure availability of appropriate PPEs.  May consider screening of visitors and employees.  May consider Monitoring, Evaluation and Research (“MER”) plan deployment. Apply restrictions/ guidance as suggested at organisational level Level 3 When it is a declared public health emergency at local level demanding advanced protocols. All measures mentioned in LEVEL 2 and in addition  Quarantine of suspected exposure case.  Isolation procedures for infected persons as applicable.  Guidance for caregivers. All measures mentioned in LEVEL 2 and in addition  Elements of advanced hygiene protocols or  Shut down of premises for business as per business decision  Restrictions of access to premises or complete ban  Depending on decision taken at organisational level - Standard Work Time (“SWT”) / Work From Home (“WFH”)  Deployment of MERP Apply restrictions/ guidance as suggested at organisational level SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT