Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

158 WAH SEONG CORPORATION BERHAD NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR ENDED 31 DECEMBER 2020 19 AMOUNTS OWING BY/(TO) JOINT VENTURES (CONTINUED) (b) Amounts owing to joint ventures Group 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 Trade accounts 4,745 5,311 Non-trade accounts 394 235 5,139 5,546 Trade accounts are unsecured, interest free and repayable within 30 to 90 days. Non-trade accounts are unsecured, interest free and repayable on demand. The Group’s amounts owing to joint ventures exposure to foreign currency (a currency which is other than the functional currency of the Group entities) risk were: Group 2020 2019 RM’000 RM’000 - Japanese Yen 4,745 5,311 - China Renminbi - 235 4,745 5,546 20 DERIVATIVE FINANCIAL ASSETS/(LIABILITIES) Contract/ notional amount Assets Liabilities Group RM’000 RM’000 2020 Current Non-hedging derivatives Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts USD19,088,636 2,256 (99) 2019 Current Non-hedging derivatives Financial instruments at fair value through profit or loss - Forward currency contracts USD35,623,440 1,101 (1,860) The Company did not hold any derivative financial instruments as at 31 December 2020 (2019: nil).