Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2018

Safety Pillar Importance: Ensuring that we do ZERO harm to people and environment People Pillar Importance: Our most important asset and integral in the success of WASCO Brand Pillar Importance: Meeting Brand Objectives Profit Pillar Importance: Financial decisions which determines the most efficient use of resources to maximise shareholder returns SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS & STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT Key issues • Safe Workplace • Unsafe Condition Unsafe Act • Resource Management How we conduct engagement • Daily Tool Box Talk • Grand Tool Box Talk • Safety Bulletins • Safety Days & Safety Campaigns • Environmental Campaigns Key issues • Health, Safety & Environment • Remuneration & Benefits • Diversity & Equal Opportunities • Training & Personal Development How we conduct engagement • Workplace Meetings and Employee Briefing • Intranet & Bulletins • Annual CEO Town Hall • MyGoals Performance Reviews Key issues • Quality of Products and Services • Mandatory Compliance to Standards • Mandatory Compliance to Regulations • Compliance to Code of Business Conduct • Compliance to Code of Ethical Conduct • Corporate Social Obligations How we conduct engagement • Customer Satisfaction Surveys • Certification Audits • Regulatory Site Visits and Audits • Supplier Engagements Key issues • Financial and Operational Performance • Balance Sheet and Access to Capital • Risk Management • Governance How we conduct engagement • Quarterly Board Briefing • Quarterly Risk Management Briefing • Internal & External Audits Engagements Health, Safety & Environment An excellent Health, Safety and Environment (“HSE”) performance is central to the responsible delivery of WASCO’s products and services. Ensuring that everyone goes home safe from our workplace is our number one priority. We have a “zero harm” to people, property and environment goal in all of WASCO’s operations. We also strive to prevent any damage to our assets and are mindful of the impact of our activities to the environment. We manage HSE risk across our global operations through clear standards, control and compliance systems combined with a behavioural safety-focused culture. Our Group standards and operating procedures define the controls and physical barriers we require to prevent incidents. We regularly inspect, test and maintain these barriers to ensure they meet our standards. We also routinely prepare and practise our emergency response to potential incidents such as a chemical spill or a fire. This involves working closely with local services and regulatory agencies to jointly test our plans and procedures. These tests continually improve our readiness to respond. If an incident does occur we undertake an investigation to identify the root cause and put in place controls to prevent recurrences. We also have procedures in place to reduce the impactonpeopleandtheenvironment. We continue to strengthen the safety culture among our employees and contractors. We are committed to workplace improvement and environmental safety, consistent with international best practices. HSE is deeply embedded within our business culture as we prioritise continuous improvement in HSE and safety by reducing accidents, occupational injuries and work-related illness rates. We expect everyone working for us to intervene and stop work that may appear to be unsafe. In addition to our ongoing safety awareness programs we hold annual safety days to give employees and contractors time to reflect on how to prevent incidents. We expect everyone working for us to comply with Wasco’s 12 Non-Compromising Rules. If employees break these Rules, they face disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment. If contractors break these Rules, they can be removed from the worksite. MATERIAL MATTERS SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT ANNUAL REPORT 2018 13