Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2017

GOVERNANCE WAH SEONG CORPORATION BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2017 48 1.12 Finance Committee (cont’d) Normally, the Risk Management Committee will perform the necessary risk assessment on the Investment Related Proposals and thereafter recommend the same to the FIC for their review. The FIC will then consider and evaluate the feasibility of the Investment Related Proposals by taking into account the comprehensive feasibility study, due diligence reports, valuation reports and/or other relevant reports in accordance with the standard operating procedures. A threshold limit of the value of the Investment Related Proposals is established to determine the relevant approvals required. The value of the Investment Related Proposals of up to RM5.0 million will be approved by the FIC and the Board of the investing company and thereafter to be endorsed by the Board of WSC. For value of the Investment Related Proposals of above RM5.0 million, the approval must be sought from the Board of WSC upon recommendation by the FIC. 1.13 Directors’ Training All members of the Board have attended the Mandatory Accreditation Programme as required under the MMLR. The Directors do and will undergo such similar or continuing training and education programmes from time to time to equip and keep themselves abreast of the latest developments in order to discharge their duties and responsibilities more effectively. During the financial year under review, the Directors had participated in various programmes, courses and forums which they have individually or collectively considered as relevant and useful in contributing to the effective discharge of their duties as Directors. The lists of training/courses attended by the respective Directors are tabled to the Board at the respective Board Meetings held every quarter for the Board’s notation. Based on the results of the annual assessment of the individual Directors and the Board’s effectiveness as a whole conducted by the Nomination Committee, the Board was satisfied with the training/courses attended by the respective Directors and that they are well equipped and updated on the industry knowledge and developments in enhancing their skills and in discharging their duties and responsibilities effectively. A brief description of the type of training/courses attended by the Directors for the financial year under review is as set out below. Director Date of Course/ Name of Organiser Title of Training/Courses Attended Dato’ Seri Robert Tan Chung Meng 30 November 2017/ IGB Corporation Berhad Directors’ Continuing Professional Development - Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2017 Professor Tan Sri Lin See Yan 6 & 7 March 2017/ Competition Appeal Tribunal Malaysia Competition Conference 2017: “Competition Law: Breaking Norms, Managing Change” 18 March 2017/ The Sunway Group Sunway Leaders Conference 18 & 19 March 2017/ Harvard Club of Singapore Harvard Alumni Association Conference 28 March 2017/ Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia International Academic Advisory Council Meeting 29 & 30 March 2017/ Jeffrey Cheah Institute on Southeast Asia Asian Economic Panel Meeting 27 April 2017/ IGB International School Speak to senior students at the IGB International School CORPORATE GOVERNANCE OVERVIEW STATEMENT