Wah Seong Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2017

THE YEAR IN BRIEF WAH SEONG CORPORATION BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2017 10 SUSTAINABILITY APPROACH AT “WASCO” Whilst a formal policy has been in place since 2012, the sustainability practice has been apparent in the day to day operations of WASCO even prior to this date. The Chief Executive Officer of WASCO champions the sustainability agenda and takes on the responsibility of ensuring that each of WASCO’s global operations abide to the policy and the implementation is formally tracked and measured for each individual operations via a robust MyGoals performance management system. WASCO’s identifies its materiality matters based on its strategic priorities as set out in the following diagram: Core Values Mission Vision Safety Brand People Profit Importance: Ensuring that we do ZERO harm to people and environment Key issues: • Safe Workplace • Unsafe Condition Unsafe Act • Resource Management How we conduct engagement: • Daily Tool Box Talk • Grand Tool Box Talk • Safety Bulletins • Safety Days & Safety Campaigns • Environmental Campaigns Importance: Our most important asset and integral in the success of WASCO Key issues: • Health, Safety & Environment • Remuneration & Benefits • Diversity & Equal Opportunities • Training & Personal Development How we conduct engagement: • Workplace Meetings and Employee Briefing • Intranet & Bulletins • Annual CEO Town Hall • MyGoals Performance Reviews Importance: Financial decisions which determines the most efficient use of resources to maximise shareholder returns Key issues: • Financial and Operational Performance • Balance Sheet and Access to Capital • Risk Management • Governance How we conduct engagement: • Quarterly Board Briefing • Quarterly Risk Management Briefing • Internal & External Audits Engagements Importance: Meeting Brand Objectives Key issues: • Quality of Products and Services • Mandatory Compliance to Standards • Mandatory Compliance to Regulations • Compliance to Code of Business Conduct • Compliance to Code of Ethical Conduct • Corporate Social Obligations How we conduct engagement: • Customer Satisfaction Surveys • Certification Audits • Regulatory Site Visits and Audits • Supplier Engagements Basedon the strategicpillars,material topic as an “EES” issues of critical importance both to stakeholders and the long term success of WASCO is identified and are aligned with internal governance processes and operational imperatives, and are therefore managed as part of internal processes and procedures that answer to both regulatory requirements and also internal Key Performance Indicator (“KPI”). SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS & STAKEHOLDER ENGAGEMENT SUSTAINABILITY Safety People Profit Pillar Brand Pillar SUSTAINABILITY STATEMENT