Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

One of the biggest impact brought upon by the COVID-19 pandemic was the reemphasis of preserving occupational safety and health at the workplace. Supported by our dedicated Administration and Human Resources departments, we were quick to act when the virus began to gain a foothold in our business operations. Not only did we implement measures to protect our employees during their time in office, but also enforced strict conditions at our project sites to ensure that our operations continue to operate as smoothly as possible. Preserving Health and Safety at Our Headquarters Preserving Health and Safety at Our Project Sites The following measures were introduced at our HQ during the start of the outbreak to ensure that stakeholders, mainly our employees, of the Group and its respective subsidiaries were well protected from any health threats: Building on our baseline control measures to maintain workplace safety and health at our project sites, we added more stringent practices to minimise the risk of virus transmission among our site personnel which include our contractors and migrant workers. Occupational Safety and Health Management Approach throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Disinfection and Sanitisation Measures 1) Employ a clean-up crew • A team of clean-up crew was tasked with cleaning and disinfecting any shared surfaces and high-touch areas • This included office phones, keyboards, computer mouse, monitors, door handles as well as pantry equipment 2) Regular sanitising and disinfection of public areas • A schedule was prepared for Admin personnel to employ UV light disinfection exercise before and after a public room was used by the staff – during early morning, lunch hour and after office hours • This included meeting rooms, discussion rooms, conference rooms etc. 3) Regular disinfection of working area • The Group engaged a qualified vendor to conduct disinfection via misting in public areas • This included the main lobby, passenger elevators, waiting areas, workstations and internal offices • The chemical utilised for the misting lasts up to 45 days regardless of any wipe-down activities using water Equipment and Tools Utilised 1) Provide personal protective equipment (“PPE”) • Our office frontliners were provided with face masks, gloves and face shields to be used at all times • Their job nature included frequent face-to-face interactions with staffs and visitors 2) Mandatory requirement to wear face mask • All staff were required to wear a face mask inside the office to reduce the risk of airborne transmission • All visitors were required to wear a face mask at all times before entering the office grounds 3) Install hand sanitiser stands • A total of 13 units of hand sanitiser stands were installed at every main entrance of Tropicana Garden Office Tower • Our Admin personnel were also tasked to ensure that the sanitiser was always well stocked • A certified vendor was employed to refill the hand sanitisers upon request 4) Utilise a thermal camera for temperature checks • A thermal camera was installed at the main entrance of the main lobby of Tropicana Gardens Office Tower • The thermal camera will issue an alarm to the security team if anyone records an above-normal temperature • Anyone measuring a temperature more than 37.5°C were not allowed to enter the premises 5) Mandatory check-in with MySejahtera app • Anyone entering the Tropicana Gardens Office Tower were required to check-in using the MySejahtera app • This is to ensure contact tracing with MOH will be possible in the event that it is required Social Distancing Measures 1) Install social distancing stickers and notices • The Group installed reminder stickers and posters to ensure social distancing is observed at all times • This included the main entrance, lobby, passenger elevators, reception counters and conference rooms • All staffs and visitors were required to maintain at least 1 meter (3 feet) distance between each other 2) Reduce sitting capacity in meeting areas • Sitting arrangements in meeting rooms were set to ensure employees remain at least 1 meter (3 feet) away from each other when utilising the rooms. • Admin personnel removed chairs to reduce the sitting capacity in meeting rooms in accordance to MOH’s guidelines 3) Encourage virtual meeting • The Management team regularly encouraged employees to replace physical meetings with virtual sessions • This included the use Zoom or Microsoft Teams applications Management Approach throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Disinfection and Sanitisation Measures 1) Frequent sanitising and disinfection of working areas • Project sites were subjected to frequent sanitisation and disinfection 2) Frequent sanitising and disinfection of public areas • Public facilities such as taps, toilets, door handles, cafeteria area were subjected to frequent disinfection Equipment and Tools Utilised 1) Provide personal protective equipment (“PPE”) • All site personnel were provided face masks, access to hand sanitisers and anti-bacterial hand soap 2) Mandatory requirement to wear face mask • All staff, contractors and workers were required to wear a face mask at all times upon entering the project site 3) COVID-19 Management SOP • Contractors were required to provide a standard operating procedure (“SOP”) for work throughout the pandemic which included social distancing measures and the used of PPE as and when necessary 4) Temperature screening • Any parties entering our project site were required to undergo temperature checks. • Any individual with fever symptoms or recorded a temperature above 37.5°C were required to undertake necessary medical action Management Approach throughout the COVID-19 Pandemic Communication Measures 1) Employees • All matters related to COVID-19 management and initiatives were communicated to our staff via the employee portal • Our Group Human Resource (“HR”) department regularly released internal memos to all staff as a reminder to maintain social distancing, encourage job rotations and to choose isolated working areas to work within the office • Staff who did not have access to the employee portal were kept informed of any news by their superior COVID-19 Screenings 1) Employees & Close Contacts • More than 500 employees were subjected to mandatory COVID-19 swab test when a positive case was detected at our HQ • Close contacts were placed under strict orders to observe quarantine measures outlined by MOH and produce negative test results before returning to work Regulatory Compliance 1) Business operations • In-office operations were kept at 30% capacity in accordance to the directive outlined by the Malaysian Government TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SUSTAINABILITY AT TROPICANA 092 093