Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

Our sustainability reporting journey began with the identification of 18 materiality matters that were relevant to Tropicana’s EES risks and opportunities. This was followed by the creation of a sustainability governance structure to steer our ongoing efforts to improve our business practices by taking into account sustainable considerations that would benefit the Group’s operations and meet the expectations of our stakeholders in the long term. As we continue to mature in our reporting, we aim to explore sustainability-related opportunities that contribute towards value creation on our development projects that facilitates harmonious community building while maintaining the integrity of the natural environment and economic prosperity for the nation. Good adherence to corporate governance reflects Tropicana’s commitment to provide the highest level of assurance to our stakeholders by considering their best interests in our operations. Like any sustainable business, corporate governance is a cornerstone in building a foundation of trust and integrity in the market. The processes, practices and policies of our organisation is based on adherence to regulatory requirements and standards that guides us on any formal decision- and policy-making exercises related to the Group. At Tropicana, our Board of Directors and Senior Management team plays a pivotal role in developing and endorsing our corporate governance policies. Our governing mechanism allows for sound strategic planning of the Group’s long term business operations and prove to be vital in ensuring subsequent success of the organisation in the years to come. An important aspect of good governance is the communication of the Group’s commitments to its policies. Here at Tropicana, we promote ethical practices and strong accountability through a series of policies that are available on our corporate website or employee portal. Code of Conduct Tropicana’s Code of Conduct emphasises the prioritisation and strict adherence to ethical practices by its employees throughout the Group. The Code of Conduct also outlines the Group’s expectations towards performance excellence and exemplary behaviour on its employees. Whistleblowing Policy Our stakeholders are protected in accordance to the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 upon the reporting of any misconduct that may impact the Group and its interests. Tropicana’s Whistleblowing Policy further upholds the protection and privacy of any whistle blower while assuring a fair and transparent investigation of any reported wrongful behaviour or practice. Anti-bribery and Anti-corruption (“ABAC”) Policy The ABAC Policy applies to all employees, Directors (Executive and Non-executives) and anyone who performs services for or on behalf of the Group, which includes contractors, sub-contractors, consultants, suppliers, agents, intermediaries and representatives of the Group. Tropicana strictly does not condone any form of bribery and corruption. Personal Data Protection In accordance to the Personal Data Protection Act 2010, the Group assures our stakeholders of the highest level of data privacy and security with regard to any information recorded for business and operational purposes. Diversity and Inclusion Policy Tropicana recognises the importance and benefit of diversity in the workplace and at the Board of Directors level. We remain committed to creating a culture that respects and values each other’s differences, promotes equality and diversity. Our policy emphasises our commitment to ensuring a fair and conducive working environment for all parties involved. Grievance Handling Procedure To protect the best interest of the Group and our employees, a grievance handling procedure was formulated for the purpose of reporting any misconduct or work-related grievances. This includes any form of biasedness, discrimination or harassment that could cause harm to the wellbeing of our stakeholders and the reputation of the Group. Accessibility: • • Employee portal • • Corporate website Accessibility: • • Corporate website Accessibility: • • Employee portal Accessibility: • • Employee portal • • Corporate website Accessibility: • • Employee portal • • Corporate website Accessibility: • • Employee portal • • Corporate website Reporting through the Years Sustainable Corporate Governance Malaysian Code on Corporate Governance 2017 (“MCCG 2017”) Our core governing framework is guided by the MCCG2017 which outlines the best practices and principles that are necessary to ensure sustainable governance and business longevity. Further details of our corporate governance framework can be found on Page 126 to 127 in our FY2020 Annual Report. There were no reported incidents of non-compliance to national laws and regulations throughout the year of reporting. This includes no significant fines or non-monetary sanctions imposed on the Group. • Established a sustainability governance structure • Created a materiality matrix through a vetted ranking process by external consultants 2017 Inaugural Report Implemented reporting guidelines: • Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Guide • GRI Standards 2018 Selecting a Framework • Collected quantitative data related to the Group’s EES performance • Expanded data disclosure for two (2) additional material matters 2019 Enhancing Data Disclosure • Continuous data collection of EES materiality matters • Identified data trends based on baseline data • Described management approach towards COVID-19 pandemic 2020 Identifying Data Trends TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SUSTAINABILITY AT TROPICANA 084 085