Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2020

The core of our business success is attributed to our team of highly capable and committed employees who strive to uphold the Group’s promise of quality and service excellence in our products and services. We take great pride in the professionalism and talent exhibited by our people who consistently raise our brand name and reputation. Tropicana remains committed to providing equal opportunity for all our employees and strive to continuously improve our operational practices to promote a safe and conducive working environment in the years to come. Employee Management and Distribution With a solid headcount of 835 employees in FY2020, our business operations continues to expand alongside our growing development portfolio. We strongly reject any form of discrimination with regards to age, gender or creed and instead promote fair opportunities for those who wish to grow their career with us. Further, we believe that local employment is a key factor in ensuring business sustainability given their understanding towards Malaysia’s rich cultural background. As a strong industry player, we are aware of our responsibility to provide employment opportunities that serve to elevate the talent of our fellow Malaysians and allow them the opportunity to develop fulfilling career that is up to par with global standards. Despite the challenging year, we maintained a strong team of employees who continue to strengthen the foundation of our organisation. A good indicator of sustainable operations are stable attrition rates despite the turbulent economy and soft property market. We have consistently maintained our attrition rates well below 25% across all age groups and gender for the past four years, assuring our employees of their job security. To ensure that our employees remain committed to Tropicana’s long term vision, we uphold competitive remuneration packages and encourage career development through talent development opportunities and job advancements. Our talents are recruited on a fair and transparent basis. We strongly reject any form of discrimination based on gender, creed or race. Backed by a team of capable representatives from our Human Resources department, our new hires are selected through interviews that aim to identify key attributes of potential candidates such as their job experience, integrity, capabilities, knowledge and potential. Although the job market was challenging in FY2020, we were fortunate enough to be able to continue offering employment opportunities with the Group, where available, to ensure that our business operations continue to grow and society are provided the opportunity to work. We encourage young talent to join our workforce and grow their career path with us. With a multitude of talented individuals leading our departments, there is much to learn and various opportunities to contribute fresh ideas that would allow us to meet the expectations of our customers and market demand. The age distribution of our employees reflect the Group’s emphasis on creating fair opportunities for young talent while also valuing the experience and knowledge that come with a more mature age group in the industry, Employee Distribution Employee Attrition Male Gender 52% 48% Female Local Locality 98% 2% Expatriates Permanent Employment Terms 93% 7% Contract Age Distribution Male Female 91 70 277 292 33 72 Below 30 30 - 50 Above 50 FY2020 FY2019 FY2018 FY2017 8% 20% 18% 5% 16% 16% 20% 13% 17% 21% 19% 23% Under 30 Between 30 - 50 Above 50 Employee Attrition Rate by Age Group (Permanent Employees Only) FY2020 FY2019 FY2018 FY2017 16% 21% 15% 17% 18% 17% 19% 20% Male Female Employee Attrition Rate by Gender (Permanent Employees Only) Fair & Competitive Remuneration Talent Development Continuous Engagement Based on: • Skillset • Years of experience • Knowledge in the field • Talent & potential • Upskilling training courses • Forums • Conferences • Internal & external training • Employee portal • HRMS platform • Festive celebrations • Internal memo Retention Strategies Gender New Hires Female 96 Male 84 Age Group New Hires Below 30 55 30 - 50 116 Above 50 9 TROPICANA CORPORATION BERHAD ANNUAL REPORT 2020 SUSTAINABILITY AT TROPICANA 100 101