Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

PROMOTING TALENT DEVELOPMENT With a total of 848 employees, the Group acknowledges the importance of cultivating a work culture that prioritises professional competency and job satisfaction. We believe in building a culture of continuous learning and improvement as this strengthens the quality of our workforce. To achieve business success in this competitive industry, we invest on a variety of internal and external training programmes. Along with enhancing organisational productivity, we believe in investing in our talent-pool as this will ensure high level of skills amongst of our employees, subsequently improving their employability and career success in the long-term. In FY2019, the Group invested a total of RM322,809 on internal and external training programmes that encompass a wide scope of topics which include soft skills, quality assessments, health and wellness awareness, financial sustainability and more. The training cost includes permanent and contract employees who participated in all training programmes throughout the financial year. Year on year, we have consistently increased our training hours per employee. FY2019 recorded the highest average training hours per employee at 11.6 hours. Our female employees generally attend more training programmes compared to our male employees based on the average training hours by gender. For data presentation and consistency purposes, we present the average training hours for the Group’s permanent employees only. In the coming years, we endeavor to enhance our data presentation and widen the scope of our disclosures. In addition to formal training, we also hosted several informal information sharing sessions coined as ‘Tea Talk’ for all employees who were interested to attend. The talks covered more informal topics related to general health and well-being, opening engagement opportunities amongst our workforce to create a more harmonious working environment and fulfilling personal life. Tea Talk Topics Talk Description Financial intelligence and financial literacy for all employees. This talk served to empower employees with proper knowledge and skills to manage their personal finances more effectively. Employees were exposed and taught on the strategies involving street crime survival, self-defense and self-protection by personnel from police force (polis bantuan). Importance of discipline in moulding children to be more responsible and accountable for their actions and decisions. Sharing on the importance of physical activity (exercising) in order to have an optimum health for a fitter, happier and healthier life. Learn skills and techniques of Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation (“ CPR ”) as well as experience hands-on practice, monitoring vital signs of life, actions and responses required during emergency and casualty handling. My Life, My Money Art of Street Crime Survival Discipline Dilemma Fit for Life. Body for Life Knowing CPR Can Save Lives Average Training Hours per Employee 11.6 hours FY2019 10.7 hours FY2018 10.1 hours FY2017 5.4 hours FY2016 Average Training Hours by Gender Average Training Hours by Designation 26 D1 - D3 M1 -M3 S1 - S3 E1 - E3 C1 - C3 GG 63 226 133 86 314 29 60 218 85 87 307 14.5 14.3 12.2 6.6 8.7 7.2 8.0 4.2 2019 2017 2018 2016 2019 2018 Female Male Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information pg 71 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019