Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

EFFECTIVE EMPLOYEE MANAGEMENT True to the Tropicana’s DNA, our employees comprise a team of dedicated, multi-talented and experienced individuals who strive to deliver the best results, in addition to offering exemplary services to our stakeholders. We prioritise equal opportunity across all employment levels, creating a conducive working environment that is based on merit rather than age, gender, race or religion. FY2019 saw a growth in our total headcount at 848 employees, 99% of which are Malaysians. We believe that we contribute to the nation’s growth by prioritising the hiring of locals, providing opportunity for career growth and long-term success in the industry on a national and international scale. Our workforce inclusivity includes the support and encouragement given to our female employees to hold professional positions within the Group, which further translates to a 48% and 52% gender distribution between male and female employees respectively. A diverse and inclusive workforce creates a working environment built on respect, tolerance and harmony by integrating different values across different races, religion, age group and ethnicity. At Tropicana, a majority of our workforce are within the 30-50 year old age group. We believe that balancing young talent and seasoned employees creates a conducive workforce that integrates industry experience and new perspectives on current purchasing trends that enhances the Group’s adaptability in the ever-changing property industry. The overall racial composition within the Group is well-represented as a majority of them are Malaysians (Malay, Chinese and Indians), followed by other nationalities which in turn allows us to seamlessly tap into the international markets. Permanent Employees 390 386 Contract Employees Total Employees Category (FY2019) Male Female 53 19 443 (52%) 405 (48%) Customer Grievance Mechanism Customer Care to record any grievance reported via the Customer Service Centre Management to call for internal meetings to analyse and verify the reported grievance and identify possible solutions Management to conduct external meetings with the respective customer to discuss the viability of the proposed solution FY2016 960 99% Locals 99% Locals 100% Locals Locals 99% Expatriates 1% 1% Expatriates 1% Expatriates FY2017 953 FY2018 788 FY2019 848 No. of Employees 112 269 24 58 296 89 Below 30 30-50 Above 50 Male Employee Distribution by Age Group Ethnicity 3% Others 4% Indian 40% Chinese 52% Malay Female Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information pg 69 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019