Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

Economic • Economic Performance • Procurement Practices • Innovation • Indirect Economic Impact Environment • Environmental Compliance • Energy Efficiency • Waste Effluent • Product & Services Responsibility (Environment) • Water Management • Biodiversity Social • Product & Services Responsibility (Social) • Occupational Safety & Health • Contractor Management • Talent Development • Employee Management • Supply Chain • Local Communities • Social Compliance MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS OUR MATERIAL SUSTAINABILITY MATTERS MATERIAL ASSESSMENT MATERIALITY MATRIX In creating the building blocks for sustainable development, we conducted a materiality assessment in FY2017, where material matters that were identified, ranked and presented in the form of a materiality matrix signifies matters that impacted our daily business operations and influences our stakeholders’ perception about the Group. With the materiality matrix as a guide, we identify the data to be disclosed in this Statement. Year on year, we strive to improve our data disclosure practices by implementing sound monitoring and data collection measures that would generate trends that are relevant to our economic, environment and social risks and opportunities. Every financial year, our Group management team reviews the materiality matrix for its relevance to the Group and our stakeholders. The materiality matrix was deemed relevant for this reporting cycle with the added disclosure of two (2) additional material sustainability matters: Contractor Management and Occupational Safety and Health. Where possible, we will disclose qualitative and quantitative data on the management’s approach to material sustainability matters that are ranked as ‘High’ and ’Medium’ priority based on the materiality matrix. Prioritisation: A total of 18 material sustainability matters were identified and ranked by key management representatives in FY2017 with the guidance of external consultants with knowledge on sustainability reporting. 1 2 3 4 Review: Year on year, key management representatives will review the material sustainability matters to be disclosed as part of the Group’s Annual Reporting cycle. Approval: The Board of Directors will then review and endorse the proposed material sustainability matters to be disclosed in the Group’s Sustainability Statement on a yearly basis to ensure its relevance to the Group’s business operations and stakeholder concerns. New Disclosure: Two (2) new material sustainability matters were included as part of our data disclosure for FY2019 - Contractor Management and Occupational Safety and Health. Impact to Stakeholders Impact to Business Operations High Priority Medium Priority Low Priority Economic Performance Procurement Practices Innovation Indirect Economic Impact Environmental Compliance Energy Efficiency Waste Effluent Product & Services Responsibility (Environment) Water Management Biodiversity Economic Social Environment 1 1 13 13 14 14 17 17 15 15 18 18 16 16 3 3 5 5 7 7 2 2 4 4 6 6 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 Product & Services Responsibility (Social) Occupational Safety & Health Contractor Management Talent Development Employee Management Supply Chain Local Communities Social Compliance Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information pg 61 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019