Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

• Responsible for sustainability direction of the Group • Ensures business strategy considers sustainability matters • Provides leadership to ensure the implementation of our sustainability agenda in business strategy • Develops sustainability strategies and reports to the Board • Approves policies, targets and market disclosures on sustainability matters • Supports sustainability strategy implementation • Ensures processes and controls are in place within its departments/functions • Reports on the performance of processes, controls and management targets • Includes the Risk Management Department to collect data and generate a sustainability report to be presented to the Board on an annual basis Tropicana has long committed to sound risk management practices via the implementation of a comprehensive risk management framework that aims to identify, evaluate, minimise and monitor our business risks while also considering potential opportunities that will benefit the Group. As our commitment to sustainable development matures year after year, we are always seeking a balance between profitable opportunities and the impact on society and the environment. As early as 2012, the Group formulated an Enterprise Risk Management (“ ERM ”) programme and established a Risk Management Department to oversee, evaluate and report on risks and opportunities identified via the risk management framework. The Board of Directors continue to play a key role in endorsing risk management measures proposed by the management, ensuring that appropriate internal controls are embedded across the Group’s business operations. The Risk Management Department has undertaken the responsibility of sustainability reporting from FY2018 onwards. We consider sustainability and risk management as integral processes that drive the Group towards our long-term vision and aspirations to become a leading property developer that delivers innovative and quality products to enhance stakeholders’ value. By implementing sustainability reporting, we look beyond the economic and financial aspects of our business. We take into consideration environmental and social material matters that influences the Group’s daily operations and stakeholders’ expectations. For further details on the Group’s Risk Management practices, refer to pages 96 to 98 for the Statement of Risk Management and Internal Control in Tropicana’s Annual Report FY2019. To define and guide the group towards sustainability-focused targets and measure tangible impacts, the Group formalised a sustainability governance structure in FY2017. With our Board of Directors at the apex of Tropicana’s sustainability committee, the Board oversees, endorses and gives final approval to sustainability initiatives and strategies to be undertaken by the Group. With the support of our Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer, the sustainability steering committee is tasked with embedding, measuring and monitoring sustainable practices across the Group to meet our long-term sustainability goals and aspirations. As added measure, the Risk Management Department oversees the data collection and sustainability reporting procedure on an annual basis to ensure our sustainable development efforts addresses the risks and opportunities within the Group’s economic, environmental and social reach. RISK MANAGEMENT SUSTAINABILITY GOVERNANCE Roles & Responsibilities Sustainability Committee The Residences and W Kuala Lumpur, Kuala Lumpur City Centre Board of Directors Deputy Group Chief Executive Officer Sustainability Steering Committee Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information pg 59 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019