Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE Code of Conduct (“the Code”) A transparent and ethical corporate culture are values we strive to create at the Group to ensure that our businesses operate at the highest standards of professionalism. Guided by four key business principles, our Code of Conduct enforces our commitment to regulatory compliance and the prioritisation of ethical conduct. Besides the Code’s requirement to adhere to local and national laws, the Code further outlines the expectations of the Group towards its employees. Accessibility: The Employee Handbook is readily available on Tropicana’s Employee Portal and Corporate Website. Whistleblowing Policy In accordance to the Whistleblower Protection Act 2010, employees of the Group and members of the public are given the protection upon any report of misconduct that affect’s the Group and its interests. Based on our policy, we are highly committed to assurance and accountability by thoroughly investigating any reports of illegal activities or wrongful behaviour that may impact the integrity, image and performance of the business. Accessibility: The Employee Handbook is readily available on Tropicana’s Employee Portal and Corporate Website. Grievance Handling Procedure The Group encourages open and honest communication among all employees. In the best interest of the Group and employees, we take any reported misconduct or work-related issues seriously and are committed to address these cases in a fair and transparent manner. Tropicana strongly rejects all forms of grievances that may include biasness against gender, race, ethnicity or creed. Accessibility: The Employee Handbook is readily available on Tropicana’s Employee Portal and Corporate Website. Privacy Policy The Group fully complies to the stipulations outlined in the Personal Data Protection Act 2010. We endeavour, in accordance to the Act, to implement appropriate security measures and standard procedures to prevent any form of unauthorised or unlawful use of personal data, including accidental loss, damage or destruction to the retained data. Accessibility: The Employee Handbook is readily available on the Tropicana’s Employee Portal. Aman 1 Urban Homes, Tropicana Aman, Kota Kemuning Sustainability Statement A key component of sustainability is good governance that shapes the decision-making process of an organisation. As one of Malaysia’s leading developers, we are guided by the principles of corporate governance, geared towards enhancing value creation for our stakeholders and driving business growth. Corporate Governance and National Compliance The Group is primarily guided by the Malaysia Code on Corporate Governance 2017 (“ MCCG2017 ”) in securing best practices and principles of corporate governance applied throughout the Group. Further details of our corporate governance framework and practices implemented at the Group is detailed in our FY2019 Annual Report (pages 80 to 94). In FY2019, there were zero reported incidents of non-compliance with laws and regulations. No significant fine or non-monetary sanction was imposed on the Group. Sound policies, systems and internal controls are enforced to promote an ethical workplace that increases the confidence of our stakeholders. Overseen by our Board of Directors, Tropicana defines its integrity through a series of standard operating procedures, policies, guidelines and levels of aut hority, all of which are communicated to our employees during their orientation and our internal employee portal. Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019 About Tropicana Our Strategic Performance Our Leadership pg 58