Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 Value Added Total turnover 1,135,843 1,635,471 Purchases of goods and services (499,654) (1,094,366) Value Added by the Group 636,189 541,105 Share of results of an associate 819 546 Share of results of joint ventures 11,258 419 Total Value Added 648,266 542,070 Reconciliation : Profit attributable to owners of the parent 320,759 170,029 Add : Depreciation and amortisation 37,045 24,364 Finance costs 75,850 66,855 Salaries and other staff costs 167,897 130,620 Taxation 28,139 140,400 Holders of perpetual bond 4,661 – Non-controlling interests 13,915 9,802 Total Value Added 648,266 542,070 VALUE DISTRIBUTED Employees Salaries and other staff costs 167,897 130,620 Government Corporate taxation 28,139 140,400 Providers of capital Dividends 78,134 23,420 Finance costs 75,850 66,855 Holders of perpetual bond 4,661 – Non-controlling interests 13,915 9,802 Reinvestment and growth Depreciation and amortisation 37,045 24,364 Income retained by the Group 242,625 146,609 Total Value Distributed 648,266 542,070 Value Added Statement Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019 About Tropicana Our Strategic Performance Our Leadership pg 34