Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

36. SIGNIFICANT RELATED PARTY TRANSACTIONS In addition to the related party information disclosed elsewhere in the financial statements, the following significant transactions between the Group and the related parties took place at terms agreed between the parties during the financial year: (a) Transactions with subsidiaries Company 2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 Dividend income from subsidiaries (Note 4) 46,263 28,000 Management fees from subsidiaries (Note 4) 25,934 18,297 Finance income on amounts due from subsidiaries (Note 7) 30,834 29,441 Management fees charged by a subsidiary (Note 9) (6,398) (5,594) Finance cost on amounts due to subsidiaries (Note 8) (12,236) (15,607) (b) Transactions with entities related to Tan Sri Dato’ Tan Chee Sing (Major shareholder of the Company) 2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 Group Rental income receivable/received 20,028 23,534 Security charges receivable/received 113 100 Utilities charges receivable/received 1,732 1,392 Acquisition of subsidiaries (1,937,121) (49,037) Transportation cost payable/paid (851) (1,604) Entertainment expenses payable/paid (35) (77) Car park charges payable/paid (24) (23) Gift expense payable/paid (812) (952) Marketing expenses payable/paid (1,562) (15,278) Company Acquisition of subsidiaries (1,937,121) (49,037) Transportation cost payable/paid (851) (1,604) Entertainment expenses payable/paid (35) (35) Gift expense payable/paid (758) (899) pg 231 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019 Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information