Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019

31. DEFERRED TAX LIABILITIES/(ASSETS) Group Company 2019 2018 2019 2018 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 At 1 January 107,889 7,969 (771) (182) Acquisition of subsidiaries 314,204 138,061 – – Recognised in profit or loss (Note 12) (28,386) (38,141) (40) (589) At 31 December 393,707 107,889 (811) (771) Deferred income tax as at 31 December relates to the following: Unused tax losses and unabsorbed Unrealised Contract Provision capital profit from liabilities for liabilities allowances transactions Others Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group Deferred tax assets: At 1 January 2019 – (84,422) (143) (31,280) (5,089) (120,934) Acquisition of subsidiaries – – (14,059) – – (14,059) Recognised in profit or loss (17,745) (11,414) 8,191 (7,732) 2,515 (26,185) At 31 December 2019 (17,745) (95,836) (6,011) (39,012) (2,574) (161,178) At 1 January 2018 – (18,606) (885) (25,655) (3,583) (48,729) Recognised in profit or loss – (65,816) 742 (5,625) (1,506) (72,205) At 31 December 2018 – (84,422) (143) (31,280) (5,089) (120,934) Fair value Fair value Accelerated adjustment changes to Property capital on business investment development allowances combination properties costs Total RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 RM’000 Group Deferred tax liabilities: At 1 January 2019 10,868 169,390 6,680 41,885 228,823 Acquisition of subsidiaries – 328,263 – – 328,263 Recognised in profit or loss (1,415) – (1,512) 726 (2,201) At 31 December 2019 9,453 497,653 5,168 42,611 554,885 At 1 January 2018 11,403 31,401 3,431 10,463 56,698 Acquisition of a subsidiary – 138,061 – – 138,061 Recognised in profit or loss (535) (72) 3,249 31,422 34,064 At 31 December 2018 10,868 169,390 6,680 41,885 228,823 pg 219 Tropicana Corporation Berhad Annual Report 2019 Sustainability at Tropicana What We’ve Governed Financial Statements & Other Information